I think there is a lot of evidence that freemasonry had a strong influence on the WTS. I believe Russell and Rutherford were Masons. Because of the many similarities in the symbolism, doctrine & believes (it’s a long list), especially the Pyramidology, secrecy and definition of ‘lie’.
Russell had a surprising in-depth knowledge of Masonry and wrote: “The Free Masons also expect the same glorious personage and in there traditions, identifying Him with Hiram Abiff, the Archangel, the antitypical Melchizedeck, Priest as well as King, we identify as ‘the Man Jesus Christ’.”
Russell’s early group conducted their meeting in Masonic Halls. That’s why we have Kingdom Halls, not churches or synagogues.
I think Miller and Masonry somewhat put together made the early WTS. If the Masonic Orders were pleased with this, I do not know.
If I had an invitation, I would go just out of curiosity. If you do, please tell us about it.
freetosee /Sorry I keep having problems posting!?
JoinedPosts by freetosee
Freemasonry and the congregation
by Satans little helper inare there any freemasons who post here?
if you don't want to add to the thread then feel free to pm me.. one of my close friends is a mason and has encouraged me to consider joining but everything i have known about the masons in the past has been negative - all bigoted jw speak.
from what i have researched they are a fraternity who hold near christian moral values and cannot understand the vitriol the witnesses hold for them.. i have also seen pictures of rutherford's grave in a masonic cemetary so cannot understand why they would aim such negativity against a group which their founder belonged to.. can anyone shed any light on this?
Scary demon stories to encourage meeting attendance!
by freetosee inive been free for about 10 years now, though not disfellowshiped.
and some time ago i accommodated an elder (friend of the family) who was visiting from the caribbean.
after trying different ways to encourage me, he and my father (both elders) chose demon stories it frighten me back to jehovah.
I’ve been ‘free’ for about 10 years now, though not disfellowshiped. And some time ago I accommodated an elder (friend of the family) who was visiting from the Caribbean. After trying different ways to ‘encourage’ me, he and my father (both elders) chose demon stories it frighten me back to Jehovah. (Growing up as JW us children were often told demon and angel-‘big guy’-experiences.) So they told me about this man who is possessed and when witnessed to by two sisters said: “I have been trying to get you, but I can’t because you have the truth.” He is supposed to have put spells on people, including clergy, who came to his residence (in Tobago -were everyone knows everyone). And at night when he sleeps the demons come and lift him into the air and make him turn in circles and loop around. The elder went into much detail to describe the picture. Just before the possessed man wakes up he is put down to his bed, or if anyone would enter his room, he will quickly be put down again. Why? Because the demons don’t want people to know they exist, as this makes them more powerful in deceiving us into destruction. So after this lengthy description I asked, how he knows all of this, since the demons put the man down before any can see. He ignored me by conversing with my father supporting him. Again I questioned his knowledge, asking who told him about his, what are the sisters names, when and where did this happen, what proof is there for this and the other stories he told and to explain the purpose for intelligent powerful spirits to lift the man into the air. None of these, obviously to be expected, questions could the elder (PO) answer. The conversation came to an embarrassing end, especially since he used these stories in his public talk, which he has given many times and has encouraged inactive ones back to the service.
by aniron in3. then there were the rest of the dead - a third group.
(the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.
even here, it appears there are three groups and so just how does the society make 3 into 2?
Who are the 24 elders? Can anybody tell me?
Freemasonry and the congregation
by Satans little helper inare there any freemasons who post here?
if you don't want to add to the thread then feel free to pm me.. one of my close friends is a mason and has encouraged me to consider joining but everything i have known about the masons in the past has been negative - all bigoted jw speak.
from what i have researched they are a fraternity who hold near christian moral values and cannot understand the vitriol the witnesses hold for them.. i have also seen pictures of rutherford's grave in a masonic cemetary so cannot understand why they would aim such negativity against a group which their founder belonged to.. can anyone shed any light on this?
my sisters boyfriend is a mason and very secretive about masonry. Whenever I ask what it is, he tells me at length what masonry is not. It’s like asking someone for his name and he responds not telling you his name, but the many names you should not call him.
Regarding the relation of the Watchtower with Free Masonry I found this book to be very informative “the Watchtower & the Masons” by Fritz Springmeier PDF. You can download it here: http://radio.indymedia.org/news/2006/02/8554.php
Secrecy doesn’t necessarily have to be negative. (?)
Did Rutherford love his wife?
by VM44 indid rutherford love his wife?.
if he did, why did he reside in brooklyn, while she lived in california?.
if he did, why during the times he did visited california he resided at beth sarim in san diego, when his wife, mary, resided in the los angeles area, where his son malcolm also lived?.
This interview gives just a little insight on Rutherford relationship to his wife:
The once vice-president of the WTS H. Covington is discribed as having “…really idolized Rutherford. For example, I knew that Rutherford’s wife had a stroke and that she wasn’t in too good of health (she died in 1962). There were rumors about his philandering. So, I asked him about that. I remember he was laying down when I asked him about the philandering rumors, and he got up, obviously very, very angry…very angry… and he looked at me and said, “If your wife was paralyzed, what would you do?” Number one, I thought I’d better not pursue that line of questioning. It was not welcome. Number two, he seemed to be saying that, yes, he did have paramours, but …”
It always astonishes how the heroic WT leaders conduct themselves and act towards others!
freetosee -
Hallo JW,
I think you have a great sense of humour!
I am not Christian, but some posters are, like lovlylil and others. I recommend you reply to her post and surly you can enjoy an intelligent exchange of issues. Please ignore the ones you find illogical.
All the best,
by aniron in3. then there were the rest of the dead - a third group.
(the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended.
even here, it appears there are three groups and so just how does the society make 3 into 2?
Excellent, so who are the 24 elders?
Do you think that the WTS is going to "collapse" and there will be no JW's?
by booker-t indo you think that there will come a time when the wts will be a thing of the past and people will look into their history books and say "oh yeah those jw's were around for over 120 years and now they are no longer around today in the year 20___?
" my friend thinks that jw's will not collapse and will probably get "stronger" with time.
i hope not because i am just sick of the whole wts and jw's religion.
I often read about the ‘collapse of the WT Society’ and if that should ever happen it would be a thrilling experience for those who had to suffer and were silenced under the WT directives.
Some JW’s I know get exited whenever WT-destruction-claims are made, believing this to be the fulfilment of prophecy, Satan turning against true worship, then Armageddon taking them right into paradise.
As an active JW I felt this organization to be so large and influential, in the center of world events and ever so important. But after a while as a free thinking person I realized how insignificant and small this group is. Also those so-called false religions waters are not drained out; to the contrary, many religious formations can count an immense increase in active membership, far more increase compared with the JW org.However, the fall of the WTS has been prophesied since Russell’s day, and it has survived the many disappointments through its false prophecies and dates. It has always found an interpretation to every situation plus denying its own literature and history.
Exposing and educating about the WTS, of which the internet is an effective avenue, presents a threat to its leadership.
I don’t know what the future holds for the WTS, maybe after the old hardliners grow even older the new GB members will gradually turn mainstream. Maybe the cry of the silent lambs will be so earsplitting that it can no longer be covered up. In time the ‘Last Days’ will be stretched out for so long, perhaps the majority of JW will come to their senses. Whatever the case, there have always been mind-control-groups large and small with either sort or long histories in every country.
It is my hope the Law will force policy change within the WTS and let members realize their rights and duties towards the community and their children, not letting elders control there thinking and actions.The WTS being an end-time-cult tells me it is doom to end one happy day!
Holy spirit and the kingdom ministry and school guidebooks
by architect in.
can we honestly say that holy spirit guides the writing of the kingdom ministry each month?.
can we honestly say that the holy spirit guided the writings of the school guidebooks we have to teach us how to be better speakers when the this same info is has been used by speech coaches and the likes for years as well as being taught in secular school english classes?
The WTS claims to be spirit directed in all its activities, yet when things go wrong it’s due to human imperfections or proof of Satan attacking true worship. I thought you particularly supposed ‘claims’ of the inspired writing of the guidebook. Surly the WTS has no holy spirit, it is just a mind-control-money-making-busyness. The km and guidebook gives evidence of this, as scriptures are often forced into the context of material. My impression is the writers were instructed to place at least so many scripture quotes into every chapter of the book or the km, to make it appear spiritual as coming from Jehovah.
We were not only indoctrinated but trained and drilled as well.
Dear lovlylil As regards the virtues mentioned in Galatians 5:22 I would like to say, it is not only Christians claiming spirit guidance who display these. Some posts by Christians are very disrespectful and insulting. Not believing in god / bible does not make one a bad person or unable to display good qualities. In every religion do you find people guided by love. The lack of love in this world is not due to the lack of faith. Reading your posts I appreciate your respectful manner in communicating with other opinions presented and your genuine motive to help. I had to say this, because the impression of attitude I often get from religious persons is that only they exhibit fine merits. Kind regards, freetosee