I think for the Mother's Day thing they say it's associated with some ancient pagan ritual of goddess worship
JoinedPosts by Ariel84
What the heck do JWs find wrong with Mother's Day, Father's Day,
by White Waves insweetest day????
and, how did wedding anniversaries get to be ok and not birthdays???
How old were you when you were baptized?
by moomanchu in.
reading hellriders topic made me wonder about this.. i waited till i was 21 because i was drinking alcohol as a youth and didn't want to get baptized while breaking the law.
man that is screwed up, seemed reasonable at the time.
I was 12. I can remember part of me not wanting to go through with it. I was so nervous and freaked out. Two of my friends who were baptized the same day had already gone through the line and gotten dunked and they were like you aren't in line yet?! I said umm...no...not yet.Then I went and got in the line like a good little witness girl.
What gets you "High"
by JH ini'm not talking about dope.
what makes you naturally "high"?
music will do it for me.
What makes you naturally "high"?
Music will do it for me.
I agree with you JH. Music is therapy for me! It gives me a natural high and helps me keep my sanity
by DannyHaszard infirst summer district convention press release by the watchtower
news results
page 1 of 292 results containing jehovah (0.05 seconds)
"Young People, Remember, Now, Your Grand Creator
This has to be a repeat. I know I've heard this talk like a hundred times
Creepy JW Music for Kids!
by limbogirl inmaybe this has already been posted or you're familiar with it but i just discovered this on itunes.
it's being sold on itunes.. the subject matter alone is enough to make you want to barf but get a load of the music and singing talent on this little gem.
a couple of the tracks landed in an imix of the worst music on itunes.
I sent the link to these songs to a friend who is "IN".
Do you want to know what people who are "IN" think about these songs?
My friends comment "very cute songs"
I can just see all the parents in car groups out in FS popping this one in the CD player
Evidently, the evidence clearly shows it is reasonable to conclude as most scholars would concur that Jersulalem was destroyed in 586 BC not 607 BC
Did your KH have a minimum skirt length, max heel height,
by White Waves inor other stupid rules for women?
ours were contingent on the spirituality of the sister and, if she was married or an elder's wife, etc.
then, she got more leeway.
At the hall I went to there was always this one particular "older sister" who felt it was her job to be on slit patrol. One time I had the bad luck of being put in a car group with her and she said the slit in the back of my dress was too high and made me go home and put on a long slip!! It was a long straight dress, nothing immodest about it and if it didn't have some kind of a slit I wouldn't have been able to walk! Just thinking about that experience makes me want to hurl!
OMG i just found my baptisim video
by Es inand it sure was a laugh, in melbourne they have the convention at the tennis centre with most of vic jw going there.
i think round the time i got baptised there were around 14,000 in attendance.. theres footage of the convention, there footage of us volunteers early in the morning making sandwhiches in our gorgeous cloth hats and aprons, and then theres my baptisim,.
sure brought back a lot of memories.
Yeah....I think one time was one to many
OMG i just found my baptisim video
by Es inand it sure was a laugh, in melbourne they have the convention at the tennis centre with most of vic jw going there.
i think round the time i got baptised there were around 14,000 in attendance.. theres footage of the convention, there footage of us volunteers early in the morning making sandwhiches in our gorgeous cloth hats and aprons, and then theres my baptisim,.
sure brought back a lot of memories.
LOL! Can you go to another hall and pretend to be an interested "worldly" person and get "dunked" again?
OMG i just found my baptisim video
by Es inand it sure was a laugh, in melbourne they have the convention at the tennis centre with most of vic jw going there.
i think round the time i got baptised there were around 14,000 in attendance.. theres footage of the convention, there footage of us volunteers early in the morning making sandwhiches in our gorgeous cloth hats and aprons, and then theres my baptisim,.
sure brought back a lot of memories.
Hi Es!
Wow! I'm sure that was a flood of memories for you. I haven't seen my baptism video since right after I was "dunked". I slipped during it! At least they didn't have to put me under twice. I never understood why if like your toe came out of the water they had to do it again.