or other stupid rules for women? Ours were contingent on the spirituality of the sister and, if she was married or an Elder's wife, etc. Then, she got more leeway. Like the guys didn't enjoy looking at the married ones too! A rule for a while was that all sisters need to sit in the back seat for service, it is more descreet. Unless, of course, there were no males. THEN it was OK.
Did your KH have a minimum skirt length, max heel height,
by White Waves 21 Replies latest jw friends
Ohhh ya!! I would know too, I got called in the back room every couple of months from the time I was 13 up until my husband and I left for good!!!
Not sure why I was the one who got picked on?!?! I remember other "sisters" who would wear longer skirts, but they would be skin tight and you could see thier underware line. Just as long as it didn't hit above the knee, I guess that was okay with a pioneer/ elders daughter.
The hall here has a brother who has major issues with spaghetti straps...and especailly if your bra straps show too!!! Hey, atleast us "sisters" were wearing bras!
I remember being out in service one Wednesday afternoon. I had on a spaghetti strap dress ( it was the middle of summer) and an older "sister" approached me after arangements saying I should put on a sweater or the householder would get the wrong impression as to why I was at the door?! I just thanked her.... then I noticed a group of elders and their wives in the back of the hall watching this all go down...it was all planned!
I think american christian culture is much more puritanical than it's European counterpart. It seems this prevailing attitude influences also the JWs.
I was in a church a few months ago and standing infront of me was a sight!! I regular church goer was wearing a see-through crochet dress and a very visible g-string underneath!! Needless to say it livened up the meeting for me. -
I think american christian culture is much more puritanical than it's European counterpart. It seems this prevailing attitude influences also the JWs.
Yea, Amercians in general seem to have a hang-up about sex and the human body. Fundies and conservatives take it to extremes.
In answer to the original question, I do remember one hall that had an unwritten rule that all skirts had to come just below the knee cap. I don't remember any rules on heel heights, except brothers some times got in trouble back in the 70s for having high heels on their dress shoes. Another uptight elder said it didn't matter how long the skirt/dress was, if it came more than two inches above your knee while sitting, it was too short.
I remember one brother who gave a talk on grooming and dress gave a guideline that I thought was good then and quite frankly I think it can still apply to any woman who needs to dress professionally without provoking stares and unwanted comments. He said and I paraphrase, "a sister should wear clothes tight enough to let people know that she is a woman, but loose enough to let them know that she is a lady".
Just below the knee (shortest) during the 60's and 70's. (that's standing and sitting)
I can remember when long skirts were in (remember maxi coats) there was a special needs talk about how "dangerous" they were.
Why wasn't there a rule against "flood" pants?
Nothing on heel height though one elder joked unofficially that KH insurance would not cover injuries from wearing such shoes.
Several CO wives wore high, high heels to the meetings but not door to door.
Aren't there stories of sisters having to kneel at the Kingdom Hall, and if the hem of their skirt/dress, didn't hit the floor, they had to go bavk home & change? I never saw this, but it sounds familiar.
I think it's so funny that these window washer and office cleaning elders are also fashion critics.
In Chamblee Georgia, my bible teacher gave me a bikini and a couple of dresses that were above the knee by a couple to three inches. When I got to Chicago, my new bible teacher told me ix-nay on the dresses and proceeded to give me longer ones. Then when I asked which bathing suit I should wear, my one piece or my two piece, she told me that sisters don't wear two pieces. Later a sister gave me a two piece suite, but it was above the navel, that was in C'ville Ga. That sister was the same one that gave me a bag full of bras with fiber fill cups, that were one size too big. I guess my bras, the sheer natural kind, showed too much nipple when things got nippy. I didn't know that was an exciting sight for men, until I left the org. Funny how no brothers told me that at the time. Guess they enjoyed the titilating show.
Not long after my divorce two elders came over for a shepparding call. One of the elders told me I needed to sit in a chair at home before I came to the hall and see if my skirt came above my knee and if it did it was inappropriate to wear. He then proceeded to tell me I need to bend over in front of a mirror and see if you can see down my shirt. He said his wife has some clothes like that and she has to pin them with a safety pin. It was also the rule that a sister could not give a talk if she had a slit in her skirt. Didnt matter how long the skirt and how short the slit. It was not allowed. They refused to let my brother get babtized because he did not average 10 hours per mo. in service. There is soooo much control over things that are not even in the bible. Im suprized they have not come up with the book of Jehovahs witnesses rules and inserted it in the NWT.
Oh yeah. The skirt length nazis. Always below the knee. Except if you were an elder's wife or pioneer. Bare backs - OUT No sundresses.