The Da Vinci Code is a piece of fiction....but it's writing style make it seem like believable facts. Like a lot of books he uses historical references....but the book is just a work of fiction. I do not understand why people get so worked up by it.
JoinedPosts by Kero-kero
Dan Brown DID NOT write "The Da Vinci Code"! (Defense for the Christians!!)
by danbrownfraud in(defense for the christian faith!).
he is a fraud!
At This Point, Would You Care If You Are or Were Disfellowshipped???
by minimus inat this stage of "coming out" of the "truth", would it faze you if you were disfellowshipped?
I have to agree...I would rather DA myself than be DF'd. In fact I am planning on writing a letter of DA. But if I was DF'd it would not really bother me too much. It would just show what kind of petty things they can Disfellowship you over...I would now be classed as an apostate, just becuase my idea and bliefs about the WTS have changed. But the question begs...How can I be classed has an apostate if my whole faith and believe in a God has been knocked down to zero?...surely an apostate, in the eyes of the WTBTS is one that teaches a different believe to the WTS...I am not doing that....I am just questioning their teachings...but then again...I am not allowed to do that I?
So...after going of topic....I would rather DA myself than be DF'd.
How Scientology and JW help UN to criticize France
by chasson in .
in this document you could find that jw and scientology have met the un's representant when he visited france in september 2005 to talk about the french's policy concerning religion.
not surprisingly, un now criticize france concerning his policy against cult, without talking about a specefic's case of discrimination.
Thanks for the information. I saw the first PDF link, but sadly, my French is not that good...I just know the little I was taught at school...I ended up studying Japanese.
And you are right...I do not fully understand the situation in France...I did not mean to come across as arrogant, ignorant or rude, so I am sorry, if I did.
What is the actually going on with this TAX situation. I met a JW from France and he was complaining about an unfair tax...Did not fully understand what he meant. Because...if I have read it right...JW's exercise a relgion so therefore should be exonerated from tax.
Sorry...I'm a bit daft.
Raymond Franz
by bigboi indoes anyone that posts here know or have any kind of regular contact with this guy?
last i heard of him was during an uproar ont his board many moons ago.
anyways i'm just curious since i've just got around to reading coc and the old fella crossed my mind.
This may sound daft....
.....But I heard a rumour that he was re-instated as a JW.....Is that true? Going by what drew sagan said...this cannot be true.
I have never read the CoC book, it seems very popular. I will have to get my hands on a copy.
How Scientology and JW help UN to criticize France
by chasson in .
in this document you could find that jw and scientology have met the un's representant when he visited france in september 2005 to talk about the french's policy concerning religion.
not surprisingly, un now criticize france concerning his policy against cult, without talking about a specefic's case of discrimination.
JW's and Scientologist do not have anything in I would not say that. After all Scientology seems to be based more on Science Fiction. The problem in France is not just one encounted by Scientologist or JW's it is also encounted by other so called none main-stream religions...and even major religions like Islam. These other religions have also gone to the UN about their human rights to worship freely in what is pretty much a socialist country. In the case of Islam, for example, the Schools do not like the muslim girls wearing a head dress, where as in a lot of other countries there are schools that have applied the head dress has part of the uniform.
I am sure if the Frence Government was to say that crucifixes could no longer be worn by Catholics...then the Catholic church would approach the UN about Frances attitude towards religion.
Watchtower RINGTONES? Praytell...
by sf inanyone game to hear what these may sound like?.
I'd rather have the Crazy Frog ring tone.....and that drives me mad.
Double Standards with Liberal Witness Friends
by Fleshybirdfodder ini'm sure this may have been covered, but many ex witnesses i know that have not been formally df'd or dissasociated thenselves still retain some friends among witnesses.
any friends i have for the most part that are still in the org are really congenial people, until it comes down to any discussion that might teeter on the edge of being remotely deep.
i've had one friend i hadn't seen in a while who came to visit me tell me right off the bat that we were not to "discuss religion", because i'm "too smart" and he "he won't be able to argue" with me.
It does seem true...well at least in my case...that the Witnesses are more pretencious then any one else I know in 'The World' It is not a real friendship. When I first started to study with the Witnesses my so called worldy friends did not leave me or refuse to socialise with me, they just accepted my choice and respected me for that...sadly, it was I that in the end refused to socialise with them. Thankfully, mind you, they did not dessert me and now I am pleased to say they are still my friends. The Witnesses, mind you....the ones that claimed to be my friends....well, where are they? I have never found a real friend among the Witnesses. They all seemed two faced. Now am fading and have expressed my doubts no one wants to know me. In fact no one has even bothered to came and see me to even proof that my doubts are wrong....not even one elder on a shepherding call. I have even asked an elder if I can see him so I can express my doubts...but all this talk of getting back to me to arrange a date and a time....NOTHING!!!! So I have no given up.
So I do not class any Witness as a friend...and during my time as a JW I never really felt I could, even then, class anyone has a real friend. It just feels very false to me.
Hello, I am new here...I think!?!?!?
by Kero-kero inhello everyone.. i am new to this least i think i am...i swear that i joined before and left a message...but maybe i was just dreaming.. anyway, i am, what seems to be termed in this forum, a fading jw.
my wife is still a jw and when i try to talk to her she will go on about me becoming an apostate, but i have learnt so much about the wtbts these last few months that fading and leaving is so easy for me now.
i know that there is a lot of hate and false stuff said about the wtbts but also a lot of things are true, like the famous ngo business and being a shareholder of a company that produces parts that are used in weapons.
Thanks again for the replies and the welcome.
Has for the depression...I think you are right. The WT society keeps going on about how bad things are and how wicked the world is, that I am sure that only adds to any depression one might have. But I have to say, I feel much happier now.
Maybe a little about me. I was baptised in 1989 at the Hayesbridge assembly hall in Kent, just south of the M25 (those of you in the UK may know the place) I was certain it was the truth then, I destoried thousands of punds woth of stuff before I was baptised has I was told it was demonic. I progressed at became part of the foriegn field. I moved to a Punjabi Congregation but eventually had to leave due to finacial problems (you see JW's will often give of their time and money to do what the WTBTS tells us is right) I moved back to a congregation which I just hated. The people (brothers and sisters) seemed to like to gossip a lot. There was a Japanese Bible study in the congregation, whom I got on well with. I would often speak to her in Japanese (it was a language that I studied and enjoyed) But then some of the so called brothers and sisters would say things to me like "Oh! talking to your girlfriend, again!" What a horrible thing to say. I stopped talking to her after that, out of concern for her. It was during this time a lot of doubts started to creep into my mind and I started to feel very negative about the WTBTS and some of their teachings. At the time I thought it must be Satan attacking my thinking and via the brothers and sisters, so I moved to the Japanese Congregation in North London (I say move...I did not attend regularly but I went has often has I could) I was not allowed to go on the field service has by that time I had been inactive for 2 years. Midn you after about 2 years of attending the Japanese congretation on and off, I felt myself 'fading away' In fact I think I started to fade away a lot earlier than that, but I have only really noticed it in the last few months (well since Spetember 2005)
I read the original story in The Guadian about the WT being an NGO I was shcoked, but like a fool I believed their lies about being an NGO just so they could have access to their Library. But then I started to look deeper into the WT and found some shocking things that I was blind to before. And of course the recent scandel about Child abuse. It makes me sick to my stomach. I know one sister (and she still is a JW...but only just) who was sexually abused by her grandfather, and he was an elder....but guess what...he has not been disfellowshipped!!!! I don't understand, they would not think twice about such a thing if I was to have an affiar with another woman...or if I was to give a different opinion than that of the WT. Of course, he was not disfellowshipped because they used the excuses there was not two other witnesses to the act????? Are these people stupid? This sister, who also happens to be a good friend, is mentally scared by what happened to her. But the congregation elders seem to be more concerned about protecting her grandfather than making sure she is ok and that her grandfather is handed over to the police. In fact the elders seem more worried by the fact she is dating a 'worldy' man.
Oh well, that is my rant and rave other with.
By the way unclebruce
Yeah! I would love a drink...A nice cool pint would go down well right about now :-)
Flowers...nice...but I have hay-fever...LOL and everything else is great....your very kind, but has for the free bible thanks, mate, I have already fallen for that...LOL
Take care all
from me Kero-kero
Hello, I am new here...I think!?!?!?
by Kero-kero inhello everyone.. i am new to this least i think i am...i swear that i joined before and left a message...but maybe i was just dreaming.. anyway, i am, what seems to be termed in this forum, a fading jw.
my wife is still a jw and when i try to talk to her she will go on about me becoming an apostate, but i have learnt so much about the wtbts these last few months that fading and leaving is so easy for me now.
i know that there is a lot of hate and false stuff said about the wtbts but also a lot of things are true, like the famous ngo business and being a shareholder of a company that produces parts that are used in weapons.
Hello all.
Thank you for the rplies and the warm welcome.
TheListener Don't worry, I love my wife, so I will not do anything to hurt her. I am patient and I know that one day she will see sense. She has already told me she is fed up with the congregation she attends and she wants to move to another maybe this is a good sign?!?!
I am also pleased you like my Avatar. It is from a Japanese anime series called 'Keroro Gunsoo' (Sergeant Keroro (or Sergeant Frog)) Kero Kero is the Japanese Onomatopoeia for explaining the sound of a frog
mrsjones5 The false stuff I have read is about how JW's do not take any medical treatment. That they can only have sex if they want children, they cannot drink alcohol...stuff like that. I have also read stuff, that seems out and out hateful which is not at all helpful for those that have doubts or are fading.
Crumpet Fuuny enough, I never enjoyed the Conventions or Assemblies. I used to go to Twickenham and I just hated being surround by so many people (I am not a lover of crowds) I also went home feeling depressed and fed-up. The last couple of years, when I have taken my wife, I have just stayed sat in the car...I took her, becuase no one else nice is that of her so called friends?!?
Anyway, for those I have not replied to I would like to say 'Thank you'
Hello, I am new here...I think!?!?!?
by Kero-kero inhello everyone.. i am new to this least i think i am...i swear that i joined before and left a message...but maybe i was just dreaming.. anyway, i am, what seems to be termed in this forum, a fading jw.
my wife is still a jw and when i try to talk to her she will go on about me becoming an apostate, but i have learnt so much about the wtbts these last few months that fading and leaving is so easy for me now.
i know that there is a lot of hate and false stuff said about the wtbts but also a lot of things are true, like the famous ngo business and being a shareholder of a company that produces parts that are used in weapons.
Hello everyone.
I am new to this least I think I am...I swear that I joined before and left a message...but maybe I was just dreaming.
Anyway, I am, what seems to be termed in this forum, a FADING JW. My wife is still a JW and when I try to talk to her she will go on about me becoming an apostate, but I have learnt so much about the WTBTS these last few months that fading and leaving is so easy for me now. I know that there is a lot of hate and false stuff said about the WTBTS but also a lot of things are true, like the famous NGO business and being a shareholder of a Company that produces parts that are used in weapons.
Also since I stopped going to the meetings and the pressure to conform to their thinking as almost completed faded I do not suffer with depression, which was something I used to suffer with a lot as a JW. Did anyone else suffer with depression or any of mental disorder when they were a JW?
I think the only thing I miss are the Japanese meetings I used to attend in North London.
Anyway...I will end for now.
Take care all.