Ha Gumby! I remember actually being afraid of that second judgement one thousand plus years in the future!
the standard watchtower teaching about the coming "paradise earth" has, as its most prominent feature, the promise of everlasting life and eternal youth.
this expectation is especially based on such texts as revelation 21:1-4 which declares: "i saw a new heaven and a new earth; the first heaven and the first earth had disappeared now, and there was no longer any sea.
i saw the holy city, and the new jerusalem, coming down from god out of heaven.... here god lives among men.
Ha Gumby! I remember actually being afraid of that second judgement one thousand plus years in the future!
Seriously, this is one of the more laughable stories. God really said, "ok, you can build a duplex but that's it, anything higher and I'll be pissed." How high could they have built the damn thing anyway, using mud and twigs? And who names their kid "Mighty Hunter in Opposition to Jehovah"? I mean how fair is that? What kind of shot at life does this kid have? Do you think any kids in the neighbourhood would want to play with him?
5 year old Nimrod:
"Hi guys."
"Hi Mighty Hunter in Oppostition to Jehovah"
"Can I be part of your club?"
"Uh... sorry, but we don't have enough room in the clubhouse for you"
"But if we built an extra story..."
"he will kill the wicked" ... "jesus is coming to bring down the unrighteous" ... "you shall know his wrath" .... "you will burn in hell!".
my father had a renter in one of his houses, who was a whacked out christian.
when she moved out, she wrote these kinds of things all over the walls and we had to repaint the entire house to get it cleaned up.
How else do you make your time without the wacknut return visits? We needed them! We counted on them! Listen to them rant, comment on their garden, agree with something about Jesus, drop a Watchtower on their couch and say Kingdom and Jehovah in a sentence, back away and don't make eye contact and charge for the getaway car. Success! You won't have to see them for a month if you play it right! You might have to sit next to them at the memorial though....
i don't think i would under any circumstances.
under what criteria would you?
or wouldn't you?
Hi Catbert!
I'm Canadian, so I don't know if I can answer your question in terms of the United States. But there have been many, many conscientious objectors to war throughout history. However, I think some forget that war manifests itself in many different ways. Many applaud the Witnesses for their outspoken objections (in printing) to the Nazi persecution of the Jews and Bible Students. If the Witnesses were completely neutral, to whose attention would they be bringing these injustices to? Jehovah would already know. Where they encouraging through their brochures those (satanic) worldy powers with the resources to protect freedom of religion to do something about it?
Just a thought.
gag alert!
here's a nice little thread the jw youth have got going on myspace, in case you want to go down memory lane and remember how anti-dating they are.
complete with a comment that "worldly people have cooties" (was that one of you guys?).
I can't believe there hasn't been a local needs or some such thing on the dangers of "myspace".
wow.. so, you know i'm an active witness, very active.
and i'm not laughing at y'all, but wow, i can't believe how extensive this is.
Well said LDH...
i don't think i would under any circumstances.
under what criteria would you?
or wouldn't you?
Great points,
I agree. Once you hit a complete change in consciousness and figure out who you are and how you define God, there is very little that any hierarchical, organized religion can offer you...
your analogy is spot on. I think we'd just be accepting "new light" (ie: same old crap), from a bunch of slimy salesmen.
since so many of you keep avoiding the primary issue in two other threads, chew on this one!
terry said this: .
>life is at the basis of reality for humans.
Rule us oh Lord. Show us the way. Oh wait... what if you are wrong?
my wife has a classmate that recently married a pakistani man.
he's here only on a student visa and is faced with returning to pakistan as soon as he graduates.
he has an application for greencard pending but the wheels turn slow.
In my work I am constantly going into mosques and have only found the Islamic community to be accepting, congenial and hospitable. There are fundamentalist factions in every community, and finger pointing and generalisations do little to promote discourse, understanding and problem solving. I left the us versus them mentality when I left the org. In a case like yours, I try to be respectful, but always firm when I encounter ignorance or intolerance. It's the only way we can work together and stamp this crap out.
i don't think i would under any circumstances.
under what criteria would you?
or wouldn't you?
I don't think I would under any circumstances. Under what criteria would you? Or wouldn't you? Why?