The alternative isn't easy. But at least there is an alternative.
a jw that i engaged in a series of debate finally posed this question.
i can see that he is running out of his "canned" answers and he wants to defend his organization desperately or he doesn't want to admit that he is dead wrong.
so he uses this faulty logic to depend his belief system.
a lot!!!
i have done my share of sleeping at conventions with the elbow in the side, same ol same ol.
you would know which scripture was coming before they ever said it.
My friends and I used to make a game of it. You would wait till someone nodded off and then knock their elbow off the armrest.
did anyone see the family guy episode this week that had peter singing the praises of being rich.. .
one line in the song was you can stop the "jehoovahs at the gate" , they showed a witness being stopped at the gate while getting smacked in the head with a watchtower.. .
i love this show, especially stewie..
There is another episode where Peter actually becomes a Witness, and goes door to door.
The householder actually listens to him and Peter doesn't have a clue what to say.
i've been learning to play for the last 3 weeks and would like to buy myself an acoustical guitar.
i've borrowed two, one is a wonderful yamaha and the other is a fender made in china, plywood and it sounds not so good.
those of you who have gone through this - what would you recommend to me if i were your favorite poster?.
A Canadian company named Godin makes an acoustic brand called Art Luthier. I have played one on stage before and found its' tone and action reasonable. It has received very good reviews from the mags for a budget acoustic.
i got this email and i thought i would share.
i got a chuckle out of it.
at morning worship with the bethel family, bro.
And nobody wonders why Jehovah who can read hearts needs angels who have not a clue except by seeing how people react to JWs knocking at their doors...
lol! I wonder if that is the worst job an angel gets stuck with. The other angels get to stop meteors from destroying the earth and wrestle with demons; they have to sit and watch people knock on doors.
remember those jokes we heard time and time again from the platform yet still everyone got a good (fake) chuckle?
i remember hearing this one a million times: "a pioneer was stressing about which vehicle to buy for service, but remember, jesus said '"follow in my footsteps, not my tire tracks!!!
Thanks love2bwordly!
I figure if that is my fate, I might as well go with it!
my mother called me last night and shared with me something my dad just discovered in doing some research on the internet.
it is out of the book published by the wathchtower in 1966, entitled, "life everlasting in freedom of the sons of god".. my parents have the book, and listen to what was written about adam and bestiality.... page 45, para.
before god created anything new, a woman, god left the man free to determine whether there was a suitable companion for him among all the lower animals.
And yet there is a whole chapter in the "Young People Ask" book on why masturbation is wrong...
remember those jokes we heard time and time again from the platform yet still everyone got a good (fake) chuckle?
i remember hearing this one a million times: "a pioneer was stressing about which vehicle to buy for service, but remember, jesus said '"follow in my footsteps, not my tire tracks!!!
Remember those jokes we heard time and time again from the platform yet still everyone got a good (fake) chuckle? I remember hearing this one a million times: "A pioneer was stressing about which vehicle to buy for service, but remember, Jesus said '"follow in my footsteps, not my tire tracks!!!"'
post here, what you would love to say in front of all the congregation.
I used to wipe boogers under my chair because I was so bored during the meetings. Just felt guilty and thought the next bookstudy group on cleaning duty should be forewarned.
ok growing up jw, i was clueless about how 'the world' worked.
i had some weird ideas that took a long time to dispell.
one that i got fairly quickly, and embarassingly was when at school, after easter vacation (still was that, then!
That if I didn't undertsand a teaching, it was because I'm too stupid to understand its amazing deepness.
So true. I remember feeling I had to hide my "secular" books about anything from philosophy to religion to science, if ever a Witness came over. I remember thinking that study articles didn't make sense simply because I hadn't cross-referenced enough scriptures. I remember believing "the wisdom of the world is foolishness with God" meant everybody (including me) was an idiot but the Governing Body. Oh boy... these memories are making me feel woozy....