Prisca, thanks. I share your sentiments. I keep trying to remember that Kent is as much a victim of a dark period under the misguided leadership in the Jehovah's Witnesses history as the next JW whose spirituality has been mortally wounded.
Usually the one who is the angriest, is the one who suffered the most (emotional abuse). The more I read between the lines of the Watchtower's own literature, the more I'm beginning to understand what drove Kent, Jan and others to deny Jehovah's existence and consider Him to be no better than an angry Hawaiian Tikki god. I'm starting to think the present leaders of the Watchtower and some in Writing are responsible for the growing number of JWs who abandon all hope. Those at the very pinacle of the organization appear to me to have fallen into a very cynical mindset about the God about whom they preach.
Prisca, I really wouldn't be surprised if it turns out some of these "brothers" at the highest pinacles of the Watchtower are atheists at heart! Seriously! Something has caused them to stumble, perhaps seeing firsthand the failure of the organization to bear the "fruits" that Christ said would mark the true faith. Perhaps they are so angry inside, they are trying to make worshipping Jehovah as burdensome as possible to everyone who wants to remain a JW in good standing (as evidenced by the growing morale problems, as if each week's Watchtower study is spiritually poisoning people, and driving the cynically-termed "publishers" closer to the edge of leaving).
I hope you and your family are doing well in "the land of Oz"!
As for this topic, I have taken the matter private, and have decided to comment no further on this particular topic. I believe that dropping a matter that AlanF carelessly commented on is in the best interests of those who might otherwise have to endure what I consider social terrorism by a few treacherous and ruthless huntas presently in charge of a certain Organization.
However, I can be reached at the email address link in this post. (To those who got late replies, I'm trying to get into a habit of checking my email more frequently, sorry!)
All the best to you and yours,
To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.
-- William Blake (Auguries of Innocence)