Two additional thoughts came to mind after my initial post,
1. If she doesn't have a change of heart now, you can take comfort in knowing that one of these days she and her husband may decide to renew their vows with you at her side.
2. I'm starting to become a subscriber to the Hawking physics theory that there is a parallel universe for every possible outcome of every particle driving events and existence. That is a very broad unfathomable number of universes short of infinity, but less than infinity. (For all practical purposes the number of parallel universes might as well be infinite from our tiny perspective.) Of course if it is finite then when the end is reached, the answer to the age old question on God's universal sovereignty will be answered. Take note that to extrapolate on this physics theory, in some of those outcomes of Hawking's parallel universe theory your daughter is tearfully asking if you would walk her down the isle. Unlike some cynical people who believe that "reality bites," I tend to think that scientists are discovering that real physics is working in our favor because it builds in a level of redundancy that nullifies the effect of negative outcomes.
As an aside, all universes are parallel but our minds seem to organize events in space-time in a linear model, so Hawking theorizes in his book A Brief History of Time. Humans might consciously experience each universe one-after-another rather than in parallel, which is too confusing for our minds. The parallel universe theory is awesome because it implies there is a universe in the array, one with infinite minor permutations, where every single one of us is "immortalized" in lives we personally consider as good, meaningful. Probably we will find universes where the Watchtower Society is actually beneficial to mankind in its charitable mission, and competent men and women were on the Governing Body. In some of the rare universes God may even give mankind a glimpse of what it is like to live in paradise on Earth, finding the cure to aging and other diseases, colonizing the local planetary systems, and drawing close to God through emphasis on spirituality and prayer. Science is discovering there is more to God's creation of "time" than initially meets the eye. "Time" is very possibly the glue that connects this universe to heaven. The seemingly strange flow of events through universes, perhaps, is as blood flowing through God's veins.
Edited by - Derrick on 8 August 2002 23:38:40