JoinedTopics Started by Philippus79
Do the Brooklyn GB members have bodyguards?
by VM44 indoes anyone know if the gb members in brooklyn have bodyguards?.
if so, how many? they carry any protective devices or weapons?.
Doctrinal ramifications of large increase in 2008 memorial partakers?
by yadda yadda 2 inthe nearly 10% increase in partakers at the memorial in the 2008 annual service report is a huge increase.
there were increases in the previous years too.. this massive increase is no doubt attributeable to the 'new light' this year that the calling of the 'heavenly class' was not closed in 1935, as previously taught.
the new understanding this year is that the calling of the 'anointed' class is 'evidently' still open.
by V ini'm quizzing all my sources for the ultimate "silver-bullet" question for a jw at your door.
the best questions will be used in a video series on watchtower comments.
the goal is to help people respond to jws.. the question must be direct and designed to open the jw mind, not necessarily to win an argument.. i would prefer to avoid doctrinal debate such as trinity, cross, even thiest/athiest subjects.
How much time between GT and Armageddon?
by cameo-d ini know some people say its 3 1/2 years, but is there any real scriptural proof of this?.
i have heard jws say its "this close" meaning the events are almost simultaneous.
is there any scriptural proof for this?.
by badboy inso it is rumouredon internet.
Enoch - The Son of Man????
by sinis inis enoch the son of man?
it would seem like it as jesus infers that the son of man may not be him, as he addresses him in the third person.. .
jesus seals his with this verse; verily i say unto you, there shall be some standing here which shall not taste of death, till they see the son of man coming in his kingdom (matthew 16:28).. .
Interesting calculation for the start of the GT and Christ's return
by Philippus79 inhi friends!
i found this quite interesting blog which gives evidence that the gt is about to start in autumn 2008 and jesus would return in 2012. at least for those who are still interested in bible chronology and prophecy it might be worth a read.
these guys seem to have no connection to ron weinland or the cog people, looks more like jws/exjws.
On the (apocryphal?) source of 1 Cor. 2:9 and more ...
by behemot inin 1 cor.
2:9 paul states: "just as it is written: 'eye has not seen and ear has not heard, neither have there been conceived in the heart of man the things that god has prepared for those who love him".
How many kids never buy into the JW B/S???
by navytownroger inat the conventions, there always seem to be parents gushing about how their kids are 'in the truth', pioneering, etc.
i'm wondering how many jw kids just flat-out reject all the jw b/s right from the start.
surely there are some kids who just say 'no way!