We have replied that we are dead to them. They need to take the council of the scripture that states that the elder in the congregations have to be like fathers and husbunds to the orphands and widows, that they have to be the shelter from the sun and rain.....and have suggested that if they are so concerned about my grans' loneliness that they prepare one of their spare bedrooms for her - this will eliviate the cost of putting her in an expensive home.
So ... contact after 8 years .... for financial support .... no how are you .... no love .... they just want.
Sorry we are dead and thus unavailable.
Ha! I know this is in fact not funny, but oh, the irony in it all....they wish to shun you while taking your money and telling you that you serve Satan.
Another thought that comes to mind-if they took money from apostates, would that not be "touching the unclean thing?" We wouldn't want that now, would we?
Oh, and don't be sorry...obviously they are not...