So I've heard lots of talk from within about the 'new light' in this watchtower...I'm yet to look at it in any detail. I'm kind of surprised actually...I first heard about it here before it was even available but close to the time it did come out people started bringing it up - even our CO.
Some say things like "have you heard about this?" or "big changes," or "allot of things they said we believed, I didn't realize,"(LOTS of that) or "brain-overload" or " too much information, but I've never felt more pumped up" or "it's SOO exciting to see Jehovah's spirit lead his organization..." or "It requires time to sink in, but it's a good feeling!" or "I have to study it more, because it's so different to what I thought we believed," etc.
People are just eating it right up. Slurping it up like a plate full of saucy spaghetti.
One of my MS friends seemed a little surprised/confused when I told him what it was about. One friend said "You know it's intense when there's a timeline," which was kind of funny the way he said it. Earlier he said something about how crazy some of the stuff we used to believe is when you "look back at old watchtowers," which piqued my attention but of course I couldn't say anything. He says things sometimes that convince me he's waking up and other times that there's no way. Another one of my buddies went staight to the website to download it on his iPad to see it for himself. He started quoting some of the things and the group fell silent at some of it.
I don't really know what to make of any of this. I guess just that it's interesting to see people think about things out only so far as is comfortable... and then abruptly stop to praise Jah and put their heads down for another slurp off the plate. Has this been other people's experience?