JoinedTopics Started by desertflower
Holy Crap! 7 years!
by Jourles indamn.
7 years.
if you were to ask me back then if i thought *this* board was going to be around in 7 years, i would have guessed "no.
Aid Book verus Insight On The Scriptures
by desertflower inhas anyone found more difference in the books beside about the older men that ray franz bought out?..
been reading but it takes along time to compare them both.
i know that blondie has it all together so maybe she knows.
Aid book and Insight On The Scriptures
by desertflower inwould like to know if anyone has found differences in comparing the 2 books besides the article of older men that ray franz brought out.
Elder quits meetings
by buffalosrfree ini received good news from my daughter, it was amazing to her, but she informed me that she met an old friend from a congregations we attended 10 years ago, and the upshot was that the friends partents no longer attended meetings.
he her dad had been an elder the last i talked with him, he had left the congregation we were in due to the attitude of other elders there, went to a new congregation and the last i heard was very happy there.
we had had conversations about various aspects of the supposed truth and he always tried to counsel me about the troooth as spouted by the pharasies then.
looking for Farkel
by desertflower indoes anyone know where farkel is?
would like his e-mail address please.. desertflower.
I'm home and here are more snow pics!!!!
by kittyeatzjdubs inwe're under a snow storm watch until 6pm!
< view from my's supposed to accumulate from 3-5 inches!
what happens to the kingdom halls after they have
by desertflower inbeen paid for?
who's name is on the title?
Where are you on the map? New Maps
by Lady Lee inok there are so many americans on the map now i had to split you all in half.. valis was kind enough to let me place the maps on his website until i found a new home for them.. photobucket seems to be a good option - at least for now.
so i have uploaded the new maps which have been updated to include everyone who has asked.. so if you were wondering where we are from.
or how close you are to other jwd posters in your area just take a look.
I have been feeling down....
by New Castles inim not feeling the greatest lately.
looking for some comfort on the only place i feel theres people who understand me.
the last few months have been the most enlightening in my life, showing me that i can be myself, and think for myself without being opressed by a religion that obviously does not care on how their people feel.