It has been 7 yrs ago that I went to my last memorial service at the KH. Seems like forever.
Have been enjoying the freedom that it gives us but do miss our family. My kids talk but not about religion. (Not too often) Really enjoy this board it has given us alot of infromation and know that if I need to know anything at all you will all help. We are some of the old folks that spent 46 yrs. in the WT. It is our kids that we can"t get out. We have grandkids and great grandkids that we don't get to enjoy anymore. We are bad association. That is so hard to take because we are the same loving parents we have always been.
This shunning is hard to take since we are 74 & 75 yrs old. But the WT doesn't care if you are 100.
They are so loving aren't they.?????. Thanks for letting me vent.