Good to meet you too.
Funny story about your hubby.
I have told my husband tons of stuff about life as a JW and he has had some experience seeing the messed up relationship I have with my JW family.You asked
Do you think it would be helpful if your husband started posting here? It might but knowing him,
I don't think he ever would but I think I will mention to him that this site is not just for Ex JWs just in case though.
I do read him stuff from this site from time to time and keep him updated on big news. I have seen him get worked up about somethings. Especially abuse of women or children.
I have him on Facebook and he sees what a few Ex JWs & I talk about. He hits the like button on some of it but he rarely comments.
I just had him watch the two new animated JW childrens videos and he has seen the articles about the big lawsuit Watchtower just lost. He was never raised in a heavyhanded religion.
They were laid back breed of Sunday going Lutherans. His memories of his religious background are positive.