@schnell fellow programmer here and I live in Medford as well! My programming experience is all web related (JS, PHP, ruby). You look very familiar we probably crossed paths at an assembly or two. Like you I am also an atheist. My wife and I have been out for going on around 2 years now or so. I would love to meet up sometime I'm always on the lookout for ex jdubs to connect with in the area
JoinedPosts by dgeero
My real name (and a shameless self promotion)
by schnell inmy real name is benjamin heath, i live in southern oregon, usa, and you can always reach me on twitter @ben_heath_.
i have also rebooted my blog at benheathonline.com which is linked with my twitter.
i intend to write about experiences at work and in life, as well as whatever it is i'm reading about at the moment.. i'm a programmer by hobby, a truck driver by profession, an atheist by education and reasoning, and an ex-jw by choice.
BIG news Trump...His lewd conversation leaks.
by James Mixon inif he get pass this, america deserve him...... conversation 10 years ago..
This is so much worse than anything else he has said. This is him bragging about sexual assault. But the right wing fundies are hypocrites so this will likely not mean much to them. This ends him getting most independents though which he was already starting to lose. I guess we can all start saying "Madam President"
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My Brother Called Me Yesterday...
by pale.emperor inmy brother isn't a witness but he was raised one like we all were.
after 15 years living his own life he decided about a year ago to have a bible study.
this being the case, as a non baptized witness he can still speak to me but he's getting a lot of pressure not to from elders and the rest of my family.
A Sincere Question Regarding Macroevolution
by jacobm ini have a sincere question related to macroevolution:.
microevolution happens on a small scale (within a single population), while macroevolution happens on a scale that transcends the boundaries of a single species.
despite their differences, evolution at both of these levels relies on the same, established mechanisms of evolutionary change:.
but in the overall system, it does not matter who will win election.
That is absolutely not true. It's true that a president can't do it on their own that is why it is so important to vote. Democrats were so glad they got Obama elected they forgot to show up for midterms and the result is we have complete obstruction in the house and senate. Whichever party is able to ignite their base they are generally able to push their agenda through if they can gain control of the house and senate. Hillary excites no one. She is fighting for corporations and a moderate Republican for all intents and purposes.
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Bernie is the only way the Democrats keep the White House. Independents make up 40% of the electorate and this is currently where Bernie is getting a large majority of his support. Independents loathe Hillary and many if not the majority will stay home, switch to Trump, or vote Green out of protest once the general comes if Hillary gets the nomination. I'm sad seeing so many vote for the corporate, center/right warmonger and not the true progressive.Link +2 / -0 -
And unless you make over 250,000 your taxes won't increase.
Not true. A policy or proposal should be strong enough to stand on its own merit. Your lying about it undermines the message Bernie Sanders is giving. Taxes will rise for all in a variation of forms including capital gain taxes and a tax to subsidize universal health coverage which includes those under $250,000 earned income.
Source: The Tax Foundation, an independent tax policy research organization, found that Sanders’ plan would lead to 10.56% lower after-tax income for all taxpayers, and a 17.91% lower after-tax income for the wealthiest Americans. When accounting for reduced GDP, taxpayers would see their after-tax incomes fall by 12.84% on average, the report said.
A better argument would be that Bernie Sanders tax increases would be a wash because of the benefits it supposedly would bring: For example an increase in taxes would be offset of the medical coverage it provides, etc.
The rest of your argument is opinion with not a single substantiating fact.I should have rephrased: You tax brackets would not change unless you are making over 250,000.
Yes you would see a slight raise in your taxes to pay for healthcare, BUT you would not be paying thousands for healthcare premiums as well as lowering medical costs. So I would say on Healthcare, it would be more than a wash, it would be a net gain.
As for the rest yes I suppose it's largely opinion I would be curious what part you consider incorrect. Bernie is an FDR democrat compare the two. Him being described as some "radical" only flies in the US where both parties are massively more right than the rest of the industrialized world. Anywhere else he would be considered moderate.
There has been no proof trickle down economics benefit anyone but the already wealthy. I tend to believe there is a reason most economist favor "liberal" economic policy over the typical tax cuts for the wealthy approach of the GOP.
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Nope. Actually Bernie supporters (myself included), understand our tax dollars should be appropriated to programs that actually benefit us. Medicare for all would save us around 9 trillions dollars. We spend 30 billion a year on bombs for the military, spending 60 billion to send every American to college tuition free in a no brainer investment to make.
And unless you make over 250,000 your taxes won't increase. Bernie is an FDR democrat and considered a center/moderate by pretty much every other countries standards. The US has swung so far right many are misinformed and don't understand this.
If you don't vote Bernie you are voting against your best economic interests pure and simple. Asher Edelmen, the real life person behind the Gordon Gekko character from "Wall Street" agrees his policies would be best for the US: http://usuncut.com/politics/gordon-gekko-sanders/ Over 170 of the nations top economists have come out in support of his proposals. Supply side economics > trickle down every day of the week.
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