Well, as far as reasoning it through, you could ask about all of the people who DID harm or sadly, kill themselves... were they unworthy of angelic intervention? Is it simply that the angels aren't very reliable when directing JWs and therefore lives are lost in desperation everyday? Or is that JWs just aren't very good recepters, and end up missing some angelic clues, thus failing to save another lost individual from that fate? What about JWs who kill themselves? If being visited by a JW somehow factors into "saving" the person in this example, how come the angels couldn't reach out to a suicidal JW? Wouldn't his/her congregation members receive extra "angelic intervention" thus sending "the friends" in droves to assist a depressed JW? There are all sorts of these morality tales around. For fun and frolic, check out religious urban legends at www.snopes2.com
JoinedPosts by detective
The Knock at the Door After the Prayer
by stevieb1 inthis experience is commoly related by jehovah's witnesses:.
a man or woman is desperately searching for "the truth" or someone is about to give up on life but before they do they utter a prayer to god and lo and behold a knock is heard on the door and behind the door are jehovah's witnesses.. these experiences are used by jw's to confirm angelic direction on their work and seems to reinforce in them that they have the "truth".. how does one argue against such personal experience?.
i am no longer a jw and no longer support their organizational teachings by the way, but i'd like to throw out the above question to you all for comment and consideration.. .
ROLL CALL!!!!! How many people are on this forum?
by NaruNaruChan ini'm so curious!
if you see this, sign your name and your location if you want, cuz i wanna know how many people actively view this!
Must be "curse of the angry shovel"... it's going to snow again here in Boston today. detective
Greven, points to you for your caption. Hysterical!
New England Apostafest
by beckyboop inlast year on memorial day a group of about 14 east coast ex-jw's met together in providence ri.
i had the pleasure of being able to have most of them back to our apartment for dessert, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting local people with a similar background.
i was able to meet zev, somebody, red horse woman, scumrat, sister act, doc bob & his wife, as well as others whom i can't remember their online names.. this year, i would like to get another group together on memorial day again, and hopefully we'll get even more of a response this year.
Becky, I'm a non-er too! Never have been a JW, never will be a JW. But I have definitely been affected by them in one way or another. Long,but not particularly unique, story. If I can get away unnoticed then I'd really like to stop by. That is, if a "non" like me is welcome.
Armageddon SOON!!!!
by PopeOfEruke inaccording to my brother the big elder, this is it!!!
this war with iraq will bring on armageddon for sure!!!.
so if thats the case (and he is an elder so he can't be wrong can he??
Erich, I'm fairly skeptical but even I'd consider a full-blown mass resurrection more of a miracle than a "procedure"! Then again... The "procedure" of Harmaggedon: Jah's To Do List: 1) kill babies 2) kill children 3) kill women 4) kill men 5) Destroy some buildings, churches and temples 6) repeat Hmmmmmmm. Okay.
by MacHislopp ini have a small question:
what difference exist between the following declarations.
of martin luther, ignatius loyola and the wtbs inc?.
Excellent! Nice comparison!
New England Apostafest
by beckyboop inlast year on memorial day a group of about 14 east coast ex-jw's met together in providence ri.
i had the pleasure of being able to have most of them back to our apartment for dessert, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting local people with a similar background.
i was able to meet zev, somebody, red horse woman, scumrat, sister act, doc bob & his wife, as well as others whom i can't remember their online names.. this year, i would like to get another group together on memorial day again, and hopefully we'll get even more of a response this year.
I'd have to go on the sly. And maybe wear a bag over my head (which is often requested of me by friends and associates anyway... though I'm sure I don't know why!)
I'm soooo close. I really would love to go. But how to explain my absence to my out-but-still-"in"-in-the-head-JW friend? I know he wouldn't be into it- too difficult for him at this point. But I'd sure love to get him to a place where he can really TALK to people who understand.
I'd still like to know details if possible...just in case!
'You didn't fire a warning shot soon enough!'
by William Penwell ina journalist's account of the killing of a car full of iraqi civilians by us soldiers differs widely from the official military version, says brian whitaker .
tuesday april 1, 2003 .
the invasion forces suffered another self-inflicted disaster in the battle for hearts and minds yesterday when soldiers from the us 3rd infantry division shot dead iraqi seven women and children.
Speaking of embellishment... [quote]Meanwhile it has emerged - as a result of detective work on the internet by a Guardian reader - that the explosion in a Baghdad market which killed more than 60 people last Friday was indeed caused by a cruise missile and not an Iraqi anti-aircraft rocket as the US has suggested.[/quote] Huh? Are you kidding me? "Detective work on the internet"? Number one, I am ~not~ the Detective in the aforementioned paragraph. And, if I were, I'd encourage you NOT to believe my detective work... as searching the INTERNET to get "facts" on a real-life warzone incident less than a week after the fact an ~extremely~ questionable resource at best! Because, we all know how reliable the internet can be... sheesh! That fool is giving me a bad name!
Prufrock. The name alone requires a response. Hello, fellow lit. fan! Detective (growing old...)
Why Not Just Let It Go?
by ikhandi ini am fairly new to this board, but have been lurking for awhile before i decided to become a registered member.
i have read many posts old and new and can't help but wonder why many of you just don't let it go?
some of you have expressed bitterness and disgust over what the wts has done to you.
I am forever grateful that some people choose to NOT let it go. If they had, I might not have learned some really valuable information that I can now share with others about this destructive group. We're lucky to have misfits, rebels, intellectuals and non-conformists who challenge and inform. Information vs. Silence? You're kidding, right?