I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts go out to you and Rick.
i come to you with a heavy heart and tears in my eyes.
tuesday 27th may 2003 at 12.30 am, i misscarried my first baby.
i was 9 weeks pregnant.
I'm very sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts go out to you and Rick.
found on craigslist- boston.... .
dear mastercard, .
we've been through alot together.
Found on Craigslist- Boston...
Dear Mastercard,
What can I say? We've been through alot together. I remember meeting you when I was only 19. You were sitting there, all discretly in the post, with those gleaming rates peeping out from your foggy envelope window. You were smitten, you told me how responsible I seemed, what a great fit we'd be, and you were willing to go all the way right away. I've never been so caught off guard, and yet so comfortable.
And you treated me right. You bought me a nice new bed, and didn't mind if I saw other girls. God, I loved that space. You were so reliable, like a regular booty call. But we both know it was more, so much more. I became dependent on you. And you never let me down.
You even bought meals and drinks for my other dates. Steadfastly knowing that I'd be back, usually by the end of the month. I love you MasterCard. You took me to Europe and Mexico. You took me to concerts, and bought me cds and clothes, I didn't even have to ask. Just a glance and you were there.
But then you became testy, and then down right obsessed. Your notes, while seemingly charming, were unsettling. I sent my regards whenever I could, but you always wanted more. And you'd throw it back in my face. I couldn't do for you they way you did for me. Rather, you wanted more. And you never let up.
Well MasterCard, I want you to know that I wrote you AGAIN today- and this was the last time. We're even now, I don't owe you a thing. And having achieved this balance, I think its best we see other people.
You've been great, just not what I need or am looking for at this time.
I hope you understand, I'm sure you'll be okay, but you just want too much. I can walk away, now, knowing I did you right. I'll miss you, but there just no good reason to continue.
Goodbye, MasterCard. Thanks for understanding.
Your friend,
last year on memorial day a group of about 14 east coast ex-jw's met together in providence ri.
i had the pleasure of being able to have most of them back to our apartment for dessert, and thoroughly enjoyed meeting local people with a similar background.
i was able to meet zev, somebody, red horse woman, scumrat, sister act, doc bob & his wife, as well as others whom i can't remember their online names.. this year, i would like to get another group together on memorial day again, and hopefully we'll get even more of a response this year.
Hey Becky,
is this a monday afternoon event?
has anyone ever had any experiences with ghosts or that of the paranormal world ?.
we think that we have a ghost in our house, nothing major just does little things at times, was just wondering if anyone has ever had anything happen to them ?
or if you dont believe in ghosts, how do you explain what happens to people ?.
If, on the other hand, they said the deer flew away, then I would be more sceptical.
I was reading along and having a fine time of it when I read this and nearly fell off my chair laughing! Too funny!
i'll tell you guys something, being nice doesn't get you anywhere in this world.
being nice gets your heart broken, gets you walked all over, and taken advantage of.
whenever someone sees you as a nice guy, they'll see you as a person they can take advantage of, and you'll let them because you're nice..
As an overweight friend of mine would say...
"and fat girls finish first?"
So what's your point?
(and yes, that's my first official use of an emoticon on this site. shudder...)
greetings to all who are reading this post.
i haven't started a thread for several months.
i haven't even stopped by very often.
hey funch! good to see you!!
1. you think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside.
2. you think heinz ketchup is really spicy!
3. you don't have any problems pronouncing "worcestershire sauce" correctly.
if you seen Mr. Ted's head... then you know!!
Bumped into Dukakis in the grocery store once (buying ketchup maybe?). He ain't no Teddy... but I wouldn't exactly call his noggin "size small", if you catch my drift.
I only hope that these random encounters with celebrity were as memorable for pols as they were for me (I can dream).
1. you think barbecue is a verb meaning "to cook outside.
2. you think heinz ketchup is really spicy!
3. you don't have any problems pronouncing "worcestershire sauce" correctly.
For the record, I saw Ted Kennedy in person and he has one of the largest heads I've ever seen on a person. Really. Disturbingly large. I'm not sure a person can really understand the dimensions of that man's cranium if you've never seen him in person.
As for his accent...
sheesh! I think he's faking it just to sound more intelligent.
it seems to me that this board's force comes mainly from our english and aussie friends.
i've read comments that some have gotten annoyed that the society and gb seem to only stress the "american" english in their style of writing.
i'm just curious as to what you think of your american brethren.
Exciting news... when we're done summing up an entire culturally, racially diverse population based on the soil upon which they were born... we'll be moving on to stereotyping ethnicities!!
Mental note to me: You're an American, Detective... now feel shame, dammit!
this story just out in all major newspapers and tv stations across the country.
apparently, a 78-year-old witness attending the circuit assembly meeting at the stanley theater in new jersey lost control of his car and plowed into a crowd of 13 fellow witnesses, seriously injuring 3 of them.. here is the link to just one instance of this story, on the uk guardian:.,1282,-2584228,00.html.
It seems fairly lucky that the injured were not so seriously banged up as to need blood transfusions to save their lives. Imagine six or seven of them suffering such trauma and blood loss that they would need transfusions. I'm not sure if that would be a public relations coup or public relations nightmare for the organization. It would have been strange to see how the organization would handle that kind of publicity. It's a good thing more people weren't injured.