Happy Birthday JT!
Capricorns rock!
everyone can't be in the front row!.
well hell i thought i could read- .
or they were just the outcast of their congo- so when they come to the net they are mad as hell .
Happy Birthday JT!
Capricorns rock!
one guy on witness world mentioned a jw message board called deep space zone.
does anyone know if this is a new version of jwzone and what the web address is?.
thanks for the tips- but now that you're obviously "out" have you had any fallout from former zoners? You were a public proponent for the witnesses, and now this...
how did you manage to keep up the facade?
one guy on witness world mentioned a jw message board called deep space zone.
does anyone know if this is a new version of jwzone and what the web address is?.
I've been attempting to tease you for ages! Good to see you here officially! So tell me, how hard was it cross-referencing bewteen both worlds? The ladies of greatcrowd must still be weeping!
one guy on witness world mentioned a jw message board called deep space zone.
does anyone know if this is a new version of jwzone and what the web address is?.
DanG has been on this board for a loooooooong time (uh, I mean, of course he hasn't!)
one guy on witness world mentioned a jw message board called deep space zone.
does anyone know if this is a new version of jwzone and what the web address is?.
As pathetic as it is, I really would be interested in joining the witness online community... again!
(Hi DanG! Miss me?)
i got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
Ann, it seems as if you are downplaying the dangerous cult and suggesting that globe trotter using that as an excuse for a dysfunctional marriage. Whether you intend to or not, you seem to have an almost hostile approach when addressing this issue. It's as if you are searching for excuses instead of addressing a major cause for dysfunction in the home, that being the reality of living with a cult member. It's as if you are suggesting things such as "you must have other problems", "you must want it to be only your way of thinking" to glaze over an undeniably huge dilemma.
Having been in a relationship with an active cult member, I certainly can relate to Globetrotters feelings. The reality is that even if they had a troubled relationship, cult membership a major inhibitor of normal relationships. Without the cult, this couple would have a much better understanding of where there marital problems lie.
Steven Hassan addressed the issue of whether or not it was better for people to live in a cult-ruled fantasy world or to be free of the cult and deal with the realities in their life in his "releasing the bonds..." book.
It sounds as if you are saying to just let the alcoholic drink themselves under the table and leave them be. It could work, I suppose. But not real healthy, I think.
i had to take my dad to the va hospital for a doctor's appointment and in almost every waiting room there was magazines not even recent issues.
you have to wait for freaking ever at the va hospital so i decided to do my civic duty and i went around this huge hospital collecting magazines and would throw them in the nearest trash can.
nobody cared until i got on the 4th floor.
actually amac, many hospitals use hospital labels that they place over old addresses on donated materials. That helps them "defend" against patients who are upset when they happen upon controversial materials that were not provided by the hospital. Or, they will occasionally cut out the old label. Not long ago I found a tract in a hospital bathroom. Now, I could have assumed the hospital wanted me to leave it there... hmmm... what to do... I threw it out, of course.
I'm glad you asked the volunteer office/public relations office at your local hospital (and not Fred the orderly or Wilma the secretary who doesn't give a damn about hospital policy either way) That's good of you.
That said, I still feel quite comfortable in throwing out those magazines.
I hope the laundromat doesn't take offense if i toss it's watchtowers!
Spread the word, baby.
i had to take my dad to the va hospital for a doctor's appointment and in almost every waiting room there was magazines not even recent issues.
you have to wait for freaking ever at the va hospital so i decided to do my civic duty and i went around this huge hospital collecting magazines and would throw them in the nearest trash can.
nobody cared until i got on the 4th floor.
come on, now! It's the hospitals magazine? Please! The vast majority of hospitals I'm familiar with would not place religious materials in their waiting area. Unless, of course, they were a religious oriented hospital to begin with! And, seeing how Jehovah's Witnesses aren't big with the charitable causes, the liklihood that they'll be starting up a hospital of their own is slim at best!
If a patient drops kkk literature onto a lobby table, I suppose you could claim the hospital might want it and a person shouldn't throw it out but I doubt you would! Most hospitals have volunteer offices which collect magazines for distribution to waiting areas- they don't need any unsolicited "help" in providing reading materials that are not approved by hospital community liasons/volunteer offices. Hospitals choose literature they find unoffensive. If a JW wants to test the waters to see if the hospital wants to promote their religious publishing company, they should go through the hospital volunteer office. Otherwise, they ought not put out their magazines without becoming familiar with hospital policy (note: not Suzy the JW receptionists policy).
I consider the organization a dangerous cult. Personally, I would gladly toss their mags in the trash. Well, first I'd probably play a rockin' round of madlibs with 'em, then toss 'em.
i got into a rather heated discussion this morning with my unbaptised but raised jehovah's witness wife.
we discussed so many things: feb 1 watchtower article on 607 and 1914, the un, beth sarim, blood, god's mouthpiece here on earth, etc.
this was yet another attempt on my part to try to plant a seed of doubt.
ugh! This brings back some not-so-distant memories- struggling to salvage a relationship with a cult member- shudder!
Yes, a cult member. Dealing a Jehovah's witness cult member has much in common with dealing a member of any destructive high-control group- it takes time, patience and a desire to maintain a relationship with the cult member. You sound as if you may not have the desire to maintain your marital relationship, which is entirely your decision. You need to make healthy choices for yourself as you are not in a "normal", healthy relationship if you are involved with cult member, despite what some might say.
I don't know anything about your wife or her level of participation in the jehovah's witness cult. She may be a fringe believer or a full blown fanatic, I really don't know. However, if your wife is an active participant and a believer it will be damn difficult maintain a relationship. It really doesn't matter too much what high-control group she is in, it just matters that she is in one... and in my opinion, the best way to salvage your relationship is to get her out the high-control group. I'm sure some will disagree with me (ann!) but I strongly believe the only way to make it work if you've got a fanatic on your hands is to get em out.
That said, you invited two tambourine shakers into your home on saturday. Jehovah's witnesses, Hare Krishnas, Scientologists... all different, all the same. You've got two cult members coming over, if you start to get flustered keep in mind that that is who they are. They are both the enemy (as the group they promote is a danger to your family...and not the enemy, as they too have been victimized. Use caution!
On Saturday, Know empathy, know pity, know the value of being able to think & research freely. My best advice to you is to be kind and ask questions in an almost demure fashion. You can decide how the conversation will go if you keep your cool. Ask leading questions- I know, I already said that but I had to say it again...
best of luck
this is my baby grand daughter, her name is aunna.
she turned a year old three days ago when i shot these photos.
the good looking guy is my oldest son nathan, her daddy.
ah, very nice!
what a good girl!