By any chance is the dhs you refer to part of the doj? Ah, I just re-read you post and noted "deployed" so I suspect that it is. I know a couple of folks working dhs in VA/DC.
Six degrees of separation,huh?
hello everyone, just chking in to see how jwd is doing, looks like it is still smoking here and that is a good thing,.
got a chance to read thru alot of the post and as always- on the money.
well i have been running nonstop lately so i don't get the chance to touchbase as much as i like to.
By any chance is the dhs you refer to part of the doj? Ah, I just re-read you post and noted "deployed" so I suspect that it is. I know a couple of folks working dhs in VA/DC.
Six degrees of separation,huh?
It was good... but lots of clicking.
if intrested please email me [email protected] , tell me what you are willing to pay, how you want it shipped, and what if anything you are going to do with it!
otherwise most is headed for the landfill where it belongs!.
watchtower bound volumes available.
I recently was given access to a large cache of books and magazines as well. Most of the mags I have are from the last tens years or so. I'm probably just going to recycle them. Maybe I should get a puppy...
bride of christ files for annulment
ap - feb. 04, 9:45am
just 24 hours after marrying her lord and personal savior, the bride of christ is calling it quits.
Perhaps it is because I have a deep appreciation for what the man Jesus did for us.
No offense Navigator but I've been wondering what it is with people who think God doesn't laugh and Jesus has never cracked a smile ? I just don't get it!
as the apostates increasingly gather courage, poking their vile heads out of their filthy spider-holes, slavering like the mad creatures that they are, as they shake their puny fists at the lord of all creation, jehovah's people may may become downhearted, even despondent.
many, we hear, are slowing down or even becoming inactive.
others have been so bold as to have risen up to question the slave as it faithfully dispenses food in due season.
Most of the heavy hitters from JWD's glory days are gone.
I'm still here, I just don't get to post so much these days!
No worries!
i am no longer in touch with anyone i've had a relationship with in the past.. there was one man that i stayed friends with long after i had got over the relationship.
however, the "staying friends" stuff dragged out the process of getting over the breakup to painful lengths.
the friendship lasted as long as he needed a mate in the area to pass an evening with when he was around here, and someone to fill out the numbers and buy a present when he got married.
I'm female but I'm told I'm somewhat "man"-ish about these things. I don't really look back. There are a couple of guys who I probably would be friendly with (for occasional visits) but for the most part I leave the past in the past. I'd rather have a few fond memories than struggle with maintaining friendships that might just cause discord with our respective significant others now. If the fat lady has sung, I won't be clamoring for an encore.
here is the link to a sad story happening in omaha, nebraska, usa:.
hospital sues to force tot's surgery.
Here's something for a little compare and contrast exercise:
From the Boston Globe...
TAUNTON, Mass. (AP) Prosecutors said Thursday that Karen Robidoux was a willing participant in the murder of her infant son, while her attorney countered that Robidoux was under the control of a religious sect when she and her husband starved the boy to death.Opening arguments begin in murder trial of sect member
By Denise Lavoie, Associated Press, 1/22/2004 12:55
Jurors heard opening arguments Thursday in the trial of Robidoux, who is charged with second-degree murder for allegedly depriving Samuel Robidoux of food after a fellow sect member had a divine ''vision.''
Samuel died in the spring of 1999, three days before his first birthday. His body was exhumed from a makeshift grave in northern Maine's Baxter State Park.
''From day one day one this woman, his mother, knew what was happening to her child, knew what was causing him to be ill, to be weak, to suffer, and at the conclusion of 51 days, to die,'' prosecutor Walter Shea said.
Defense attorney Joseph Krowski said Karen Robidoux was under the sway of other members of The Body sect, including her husband, Jacques. Indoctrinated into the group's strict beliefs as a teenager, and given few freedoms, she was unable to resist the edict, Krowski said.
''Jacques Robidoux was responsible for what happened,'' Krowski said. ''He was the one who was in control.''
Jacques Robidoux was convicted of first degree murder and is serving a life sentence.
A jury of nine men and seven women was seated Wednesday to try his wife, whose trial was delayed after a psychologist found her too emotionally distraught to stand trial. She received psychiatric treatment and a judge in September found her competent to stand trial.
After opening statements, prosecutors called their first witness, Dennis Mingo, a former sect member who left the group and later found Jacques Robidoux's diary, which proved to be a key piece of evidence for prosecutors.
Police on Wednesday arrested another key witness after he failed to show in court.
David Corneau, a member of The Body, was arrested at a gas station after a Taunton Superior Court judge issued a warrant for him.
It was Corneau who led police to a remote Maine grave site where they found the remains of the Robidoux boy and Corneau's own stillborn son, Jeremiah.
Corneau was never charged. He testified last year in the trial of Jacques Robidoux.
and from the Boston herald:
Sect scofflaw nabbed on eve of cult mom murder trial By Dave Wedge
Thursday, January 22, 2004A ttleboro cult mom Karen Robidoux goes on trial today for allegedly starving her son to death, and police last night arrested another sect member who was under court order to testify but was a no-show in court yesterday.
A Taunton Superior Court judge issued an arrest warrant for David Corneau, a member of The Body religious sect who led authorities in 2000 to a Mainegrave site where they found the remains of Karen Robidoux's son, Samuel. Corneau was arrested at a gas station and was being held last night.
Corneau's stillborn son, Jeremiah, was buried alongside Samuel, who prosecutors say died of malnutrition days before his first birthday. Corneau was never charged. He testified in last year's trial of Robidoux's husband, Jacques, who was convicted of first-degree murder.
Members of the fundamentalist sect shun mainstream society, live communally and give birth at home.
A jury of nine men and seven women was seated yesterday for Karen Robidoux's trial on second-degree murder charges for Samuel's 1999 death. Opening statements were slated for this morning in the Taunton courthouse.
Prosecutors say the couple stopped feeding the toddler solid food to comply with a bizarre religious vision the boy's aunt, Michelle Mingo, claimed she had. Mingo faces accessory charges.
Karen Robidoux's lawyer, Joseph Krowski, is using a battered woman defense, saying his client was coerced, intimidated and barred from saving her son.
``In the end, she was not allowed to do what needed to be done,'' Krowski said. ``This woman had no options.''
Prosecutor Walter Shea, however, said the evidence will show she was a key player in the tragedy.
``When a mother watches her child starve to death for 51 days and does nothing . . . I'll leave it to the jury to decide,'' Shea said.
the funniest show ever is getting taken off the air!.
i promise to do what ever it takes (whatever .
it's a riot.
It's never been the same since Joel left. mike just isn't as funny. I tried to get into it with Mike as the "host" but Joel was the best and his was a tough act to follow.
a typical 'tower cover depicting a before and after shot of "da good life", watchtower style:.
with the text (rather sloppily, i'm afraid) editted out:.
and some contributions by me (towards the worldwide work, natch!):.
"Exploring our past:
a portrait of former president Joseph Rutherford"
there wont be any one-shot wonders to bring the mighty dark watchtower crumbling down.
no magic rings to destroy, no torpedoes that are to be launced in some weak spot to make the whole damn thing explode.
there is a way to beat the tower, and already the process of it s destruction has begun.
The Watchtower will be like the Shakers, only without the fine furniture.
That's too funny!! good one, nathan!