Selection is the opposite of chance. It's not like random molecules just bounce into each other and create a human. It starts with simple self replicating units. Things went from very simple to very complex over a period of about 600 million years.
Posts by 2050
Answering an evolutionist argument.
by hooberus inthe world is full of complex biological systems (for one example see below):.
here is a brief overview of the biochemistry of vision.
when light first strikes the retina, a photon interacts with a molecule called 11-cis-retinal, which rearranges within picoseconds to trans-retinal.
Happiness is.......?
by spoils_useful_habits ingetting through to customer service on the first try and the customer service rep. actually knows what they are doing and have your problem resolved on the first try!!!!
woohoo!!!!! the little things make you happy or does it take a lot?...and for yourself happiness is................?
A chemical reaction in the brain that lets us know when our natural and cultural needs have been met. The more of these needs that are met, the happier that person is.
Using the Gold Mine
by Gregor inthe archives of posts on jwd represents a gold mine of information, personal experiences and intelligent discussions.
i think it would be of real benefit, especially to those who cautiously peek in on the site (aka, lurkers), to be able to select from an index of subject matter.
there would be a subject reference address for the beginning of those threads that discussed the subject and include some special posts that were of particular quality in the realm of the jwd site.
I think the most important thing is the search function. That way we can search for any keywords. There is so much good stuff here and I can't find it!!!
send out your light
by 2050 inthis article must have been discussed at some point.
i don't want to repost, so if anyone has a link to it, could you please post it.
8 spiritual light continued to shine throughout the first century.
Thanks for the comments everyone. These are all excellent points. They will help for next time I am debating.
send out your light
by 2050 inthis article must have been discussed at some point.
i don't want to repost, so if anyone has a link to it, could you please post it.
8 spiritual light continued to shine throughout the first century.
This article must have been discussed at some point. I don't want to repost, so if anyone has a link to it, could you please post it. If not, I would love to hear comments on this article. I am debating with a witness about new light at the moment. She compared witnesses with scientists. She said that since scientists change things when they learn more, witnesses can too. I pointed out the differences between the two, then she reffered me to this article. They always seem to hide behind Watchtower articles.
Watchtower 2000, 15 March, pg 10
"Send out your light and your truth. May these themselves lead me."-PSALM 43:3.
JEHOVAH is very considerate in the way he makes his purposes known to his servants. Instead of revealing the truth all at once in one blinding flash of light, he enlightens us progressively. Our trek along life's pathway might be compared to a walk that a hiker takes down a long trail. He starts out early in the morning and sees little. As the sun begins to rise slowly over the horizon, the hiker is able to distinguish a few features of his surroundings. The rest he sees in hazy outline. But as the sun continues its ascent, he can see farther and farther into the distance. So it is with the spiritual light that God provides. He allows us to discern a few things at a time. God's Son, Jesus Christ, provided spiritual enlightenment in a similar manner. Let us consider how Jehovah enlightened his people in ancient times and how he does so today.
2 The composers of the 43rd Psalm likely were the sons of Korah. As Levites, they were privileged to teach God's Law to the people. (Malachi 2:7) Of course, Jehovah was their Grand Instructor, and they looked to him as the Source of all wisdom. (Isaiah 30:20) "O God, . . . Send out your light and your truth," the psalmist prayed. "May these themselves lead me." (Psalm 43:1, 3) As long as the Israelites were faithful to him, Jehovah taught them his ways. Centuries later, Jehovah favored them with light and truth of a most remarkable kind. God did so when he sent his Son to the earth.
3 As the man Jesus Christ, God's Son was "the light of the world." (John 8:12) He taught the people "many things with illustrations"-new things. (Mark 4:2) He told Pontius Pilate: "My kingdom is no part of this world." (John 18:36) That was a new idea for a Roman and surely for nationalistic Jews, for they thought that the Messiah would bring the Roman Empire to its knees and restore Israel to its former glory. Jesus was reflecting light from Jehovah, but his words did not please Jewish rulers, who "loved the glory of men more than even the glory of God." (John 12:42, 43) Many of the people chose to cling to their human tradition rather than to accept spiritual light and truth from God.-Psalm 43:3; Matthew 13:15.
4 However, a few honesthearted men and women joyfully embraced the truth that Jesus taught. They made steady progress in their understanding of God's purposes. As the end of their Teacher's earthly life drew near, though, they still had much to learn. Jesus told them: "I have many things yet to say to you, but you are not able to bear them at present." (John 16:12) Yes, the disciples would continue to grow in understanding of God's truth.
The Light Continues to Shine
5 After Jesus' death and resurrection, light from God shone more brightly than before. In a vision given to Peter, Jehovah revealed that uncircumcised Gentiles could henceforth become followers of Christ. (Acts 10:9-17) That was a revelation! Nevertheless, a question later arose: Did Jehovah require such Gentiles to get circumcised after they became Christians? That question had not been answered in the vision, and the matter became a subject of heated debate among Christians. It had to be settled, lest their precious unity be undermined. In Jerusalem, therefore, "the apostles and the older men gathered together to see about this affair."-Acts 15:1, 2, 6.
6 How could those present at that meeting determine God's will for believing Gentiles? Jehovah did not dispatch an angel to preside over the discussions, nor did he favor those present with a vision. Still, the apostles and older men were not left entirely without direction. They considered testimony from certain Jewish Christians who had seen how God had begun dealing with people of the nations, pouring out his holy spirit upon uncircumcised Gentiles. They also searched the Scriptures for guidance. As a result, the disciple James made a recommendation based on an enlightening scripture. As they pondered the evidence, God's will became clear. Those of the nations did not have to get circumcised in order to enjoy Jehovah's approval. The apostles and the older men wasted no time in putting the decision in writing so that fellow Christians could be guided by it.-Acts 15:12-29; 16:4.
7 Unlike the Jewish religious leaders, who clung to the traditions of their forefathers, most Jewish Christians rejoiced when they received this remarkable new understanding of God's purpose respecting the people of the nations, even though accepting it required a change of viewpoint regarding Gentiles in general. Jehovah blessed their humble spirit, and "the congregations continued to be made firm in the faith and to increase in number from day to day."-Acts 15:31; 16:5.
8 Spiritual light continued to shine throughout the first century. But Jehovah did not reveal every aspect of his purposes to the early Christians. The apostle Paul told first-century fellow believers: "At present we see in hazy outline by means of a metal mirror." (1 Corinthians 13:12) Such a mirror did not have the best reflective surface. At first, then, comprehension of spiritual light would be limited. After the death of the apostles, the light grew dim for a while, but in recent times Scriptural knowledge has become abundant. (Daniel 12:4) How does Jehovah enlighten his people today? And how should we respond when he broadens our understanding of the Scriptures?
The Light Gets Progressively Brighter
9 In modern times the first real glimmer of light began to appear in the last quarter of the 19th century as a group of Christian men and women began an earnest study of the Scriptures. They developed a practical method for Bible study. Someone would raise a question; then the group would analyze all related Scripture texts. When one Bible verse seemed to contradict another, these sincere Christians endeavored to harmonize the two. Unlike the religious leaders of the day, the Bible Students (as Jehovah's Witnesses were then known) were determined to let the Holy Scriptures, not tradition or man-made dogma, be their guide. After they considered all available Scriptural evidence, they made a record of their conclusions. In that way their understanding of many basic Bible doctrines was cleared up.
10 Outstanding among the Bible Students was Charles Taze Russell. He wrote a series of six helpful Bible study aids entitled Studies in the Scriptures. Brother Russell intended to write a seventh volume, which would explain the Bible books of Ezekiel and Revelation. "Whenever I find the key," he said, "I will write the Seventh Volume." However, he added: "If the Lord gives the key to someone else, he can write it."
11 The foregoing statement by C. T. Russell illustrates an important factor in our ability to understand certain Bible passages-timing. Brother Russell knew that he could not force the light to shine upon the book of Revelation any more than an anxious hiker can coax the sun to rise before its appointed time.
Revealed-But in God's Due Time
12 Just as the apostles understood many prophecies concerning the Messiah only after Jesus' death and resurrection, Christians today understand Bible prophecy in its finest detail only after it has been fulfilled. (Luke 24:15, 27; Acts 1:15-21; 4:26, 27) Revelation is a prophetic book, so we should expect to understand it most clearly as the events it describes unfold. For example, C. T. Russell could not have correctly understood the meaning of the symbolic scarlet-colored wild beast mentioned at Revelation 17:9-11, since the organizations that the beast represents, namely, the League of Nations and the United Nations, did not even exist until after his death.
13 When the early Christians learned that uncircumcised Gentiles could become fellow believers, that change led to a new question regarding the need for people of the nations to be circumcised. This moved the apostles and older men to reexamine the entire issue of circumcision. The same pattern holds true today. A brilliant flash of light on one Bible subject sometimes leads God's anointed servants, "the faithful and discreet slave," to reexamine related topics, as the following recent example illustrates.-Matthew 24:45.
14 In 1971 an explanation of Ezekiel's prophecy was published in the book "The Nations Shall Know That I Am Jehovah"-How? A chapter of that book briefly discussed Ezekiel's vision of a temple. (Ezekiel, chapters 40-48) At the time, the focus was on how Ezekiel's temple vision would be fulfilled in the new world.-2 Peter 3:13.
15 However, two articles published in The Watchtower of December 1, 1972, affected our understanding of Ezekiel's vision. They discussed the great spiritual temple described by the apostle Paul in Hebrews chapter 10. The Watchtower explained that the Holy compartment and the inner courtyard of the spiritual temple relate to the condition of the anointed while they are on the earth. When Ezekiel chapters 40 to 48 were reviewed years later, it was discerned that just as the spiritual temple is operating today, so the temple that Ezekiel saw in vision must also be functioning today. How so?
16 In Ezekiel's vision, priests are seen moving about in the courtyards of the temple as they serve the nonpriestly tribes. These priests clearly represent the "royal priesthood," Jehovah's anointed servants. (1 Peter 2:9) However, they will not be serving in the temple's earthly courtyard throughout the Thousand Year Reign of Christ. (Revelation 20:4) During most of that period, if not all of it, the anointed will be serving God in the spiritual temple's Most Holy, "heaven itself." (Hebrews 9:24) Since priests are seen going to and fro in the courtyards of Ezekiel's temple, that vision must be undergoing fulfillment today, while some of the anointed are still on the earth. Accordingly, the March 1, 1999, issue of this magazine reflected an adjusted view on this subject. Thus, clear down to the end of the 20th century, spiritual light was shed upon Ezekiel's prophecy.
Be Willing to Adjust Your Viewpoint
17 Anyone who wishes to come to a knowledge of the truth must be willing to bring "every thought into captivity to make it obedient to the Christ." (2 Corinthians 10:5) That is not always easy, especially when viewpoints are strongly entrenched. For example, before learning God's truth, you may have enjoyed celebrating certain religious holidays with your family. After you began to study the Bible, you realized that these celebrations are actually of pagan origin. At first, you may have been reluctant to apply what you were learning. Finally, however, love for God proved to be stronger than religious sentiment, and you stopped engaging in celebrations that displease God. Has not Jehovah blessed your decision?-Compare Hebrews 11:25.
18 We always benefit by doing things God's way. (Isaiah 48:17, 18) So when our view of a Bible passage is clarified, let us rejoice in advancing truth! Really, our continuing to be enlightened confirms that we are on the right path. It is "the path of the righteous ones," which "is like the bright light that is getting lighter and lighter until the day is firmly established." (Proverbs 4:18) True, at present we see some aspects of God's purpose "in hazy outline." But when God's due time arrives, we will see the truth in all its beauty, provided that our feet have remained firmly planted on "the path." In the meantime, may we exult in the truths that Jehovah has made plain, awaiting enlightenment on those that are not yet clearly understood.
19 How can we demonstrate our love for the light in a practical way? One way is by reading God's Word regularly-daily if possible. Are you following a regular program of Bible reading? The Watchtower and Awake! magazines also furnish us with an abundance of wholesome spiritual food to enjoy. Consider, too, the books, brochures, and other publications that have been prepared for our benefit. And what about the encouraging reports of the Kingdom-preaching activities that are published in the Yearbook of Jehovah's Witnesses?
20 Yes, Jehovah has in a wonderful way answered the prayer expressed at Psalm 43:3. At the end of that verse, we read: "May [your light and truth] bring me to your holy mountain and to your grand tabernacle." Do you look forward to worshiping Jehovah, along with a multitude of others? The spiritual instruction presented at our meetings is an important way that Jehovah provides enlightenment today. What can we do to deepen our appreciation for Christian meetings? We invite you to consider this subject prayerfully in the following article.
After C. T. Russell's death, a publication designated as the seventh volume of Studies in the Scriptures was prepared in an attempt to provide an explanation of the books of Ezekiel and Revelation. The volume was based, in part, on comments that Russell had made on those Bible books. However, the time to reveal the meaning of those prophecies had not yet come, and in general, the explanation offered in that volume of Studies in the Scriptures was hazy. In the ensuing years, Jehovah's undeserved kindness and developments on the world scene have allowed Christians to discern the meaning of those prophetic books more accurately. -
Revelation Book Study Week 3
by stillajwexelder inone of these was political.
(a) what attitude do gods people take toward the political rulers?
question 19. how are world powers portrayed in the book of revelation?.
Thanks a lot for that. That was a good explanation. I am looking forward to when Satan gets a fatal bruse on his head.
"Crazy" JW Bites Off Man's Thumb
by Justitia Themis in,,2-2006580338,00.html.
bible rants of 'mad' cannibal .
by andrew parker.
No, he didn't eat a finger. He ate the thumb.
Why I Believe the Bible, A Nuclear Scientist Tells His Story
by VM44 infrom awake!, january 22, 2004, pages 19-23.. "why i believe the bible - a nuclear scientist tells his story".
read how a nuclear physicist reconciled his knowledge of science with his belief in the bible.. -- page 19. .
why i believe the bible.
He doesn't look right either. LOL
JW's and Mormon's argue who has the true religion
by moshe inand, if this ever happened it could go like this:.
a jw debates a mormon about who is the one true religion on earth and a stalemate ensues so they go to an impartial beit din- a jewish religious court of law- the rabbis listens to each sides arguemenst and then rule " we have three choices here,.
#1- the jw is right , #2- the mormon is right or #3, they are both wrong , it's a black and white open and shut case".. the jw protests -""but ,we are god's chosen organization on earth, the governing body told me so!".
Religion is not based on logic, it was here before science. It does serve a purpose though. People need something to turn to in times of need. Many people don't want to die, (that's understandable, most life has an inbuilt sense of self preservation). Since humans understand that they are going to die, they invent things like heaven, or paradise. It is a reflection of the instinct of self preservation. Instinct is molded by natural selection. If birds flew into the mouths of cats their genes would not be passed on. Fear is bred into animals. If you go to the Galapagos islands you will find that you can walk right up to the animals and they wont think anything of it. There seems to be an interesting trend. In the more educated countries there are usually less people who believe in God. Just some of my thoughts. I don't want to offend anyone, I respect all beliefs as long as they aren't harmful.
JW's and Mormon's argue who has the true religion
by moshe inand, if this ever happened it could go like this:.
a jw debates a mormon about who is the one true religion on earth and a stalemate ensues so they go to an impartial beit din- a jewish religious court of law- the rabbis listens to each sides arguemenst and then rule " we have three choices here,.
#1- the jw is right , #2- the mormon is right or #3, they are both wrong , it's a black and white open and shut case".. the jw protests -""but ,we are god's chosen organization on earth, the governing body told me so!".
Yes, it seems that the majority of mankind believes in some kind of God. I consider myself to be a humanist. Religion is very old, science is still young. I can understand why so many people turn to God for answers. Man doesn't seem to be doing a very good job. But we must remember that the human species is still very young. There is a lot to learn. Here is a funny thought. The witnesses will continue to wait for Jehovah to create a paradise for them. If they are still waiting in 2500 maybe they will get tired of waiting and create it themselves.