To say that I was a depressed Dub, especially towards the end, would be one of the biggest understatements of my life..
As with many others on this site, no doubt, I sincerely believe that I tried my hardest to do all that I thought was right, all that was expected of me, & more (was any of it EVER enough??? Nooo!!!!!!!). I knocked on the doors, gave the talks, sat through convention after convention warning me of Armageddon's 'nearness,' endured ridicule at school & elsewhere because I was different & thought Jehovah would be proud, & pretty much sacrificed myself & any notions of self-worth for the sake of the 'Kingdom'--all the while wondering why I still felt hollow & unfulfilled (or why two of my friends, one a pioneer & the other ex-Patterson, committed suicide..). There was the loneliness & alienation of being 'different' for other reasons & not being able to explain it to anyone, the anguish in my head that the 'brothers' & 'sisters' could not, or would not, understand (at least not without canned advice such as 'pray more' & 'go out in service more'). And there were the times I sat up all night reading the Bible & spilling my guts to Jehovah--for nothing. If any of that isn't depressing, I don't know what is..
It was not until I somehow got through my attempts on my life, & my 2004 rollover accident (during which moment I asked God to let me die), that I started to realize that maybe, just maybe, the real problem was not ME (as had been drilled into my head all those years), & that I might have a real reason to be here that I was just looking for in all the wrong places. I don't claim to have found all the answers for myself, but I am working on it..
Depression of another sort occasionally takes hold as I realize that adjusting to life on the 'outside' is not as easy or as effortless as I had hoped (perhaps because it is difficult to let go of something we have held onto for so long, even when we know it was all a lie). Fortunately, this time I know the REASON & that it will fade away in time as long as I continue to work on myself--reading, exploring, journaling, spending time in the mountains, & coming to this site as often as possible.
(((((((Anyone else who has battled similar depression before, or is dealing with it now)))))))
Your Friend,