It never occurred to me while in the Org that I was trying to feed a spiritual hunger that could really never be satisfied. Since then, I too have been attempting to 'make up for lost time' (much as I went on a CD & movie buying spree in the first year-and-a-half) by building a personal spiritual library drawn from many different sources--primarily indigenous & Earth-based wisdom, but also Buddhism in various forms, comparative Christianity, Jung, Nietzsche, Aldous Huxley, the Rosicrucians, Haitian Vodou--to name but a very few. Of course I have no idea when I will get around to reading it all (if ever!!!), but it gives me a good feeling just knowing it is there. With my latest purchase of a book on Zoroastrianism (fascinating as hell), it looks like my collection is closer to including virtually every philosophy or spirituality known to man..
When I have the time, though (that elusive commodity), I greatly enjoy reading as many earlier posts on this site as possible. The amount of knowledge & experience acquired by many here is staggering. I can honestly say that I learned more in my first few days of 'lurking' here than in the last year or so in PRISON, & I am learning more all the time..
At the risk of sounding like a TV announcer, "With thanks to our many contributors for making this program possible."