I actually started investigating & thinking about martial arts long before making the 'fade,' but a number of things held me back at the time--finances, still living under a JW roof, etc. That last excuse is of course no longer a factor, but I still am not sure that I possess the degree of self-discipline that I know is required in order to benefit from those activities. Their main draw for me has always been the extraordinary focus & self-esteem (qualities I sorely lack..) which seem to result from prolonged & sustained practice..
Of all the disciplines I have investigated, tae kwon do would appear, at least initially, to be ideal for me because I have long legs & it seems to mostly involve kicking. For all-around effectiveness in the real world, though, I keep hearing that jiu-jitsu might be best. Within the last year or two I have learned about Capoeira--a Brazilian form which combines martial arts with drumming & exotic dance moves. Not sure if it would qualify as a true martial art, but it is certainly fascinating to watch & also seems to provide excellent exercise for those who practice it..
Perhaps when I get a few more bills out of the way, I will finally get off my lazy a** & give one of the martial arts a solid try