These guys have the answer.
Posts by Free
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
lets get back to WT bashing, what do you all think ?
Bad thread for me to see. sorry digderidoo, I am a little worked up right now.
and it was the INDO DUDE who is the bigger asshole.
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
Well Dildo oh, I mean Digderidoo I never knew BOTH of my Grandfathers ,I'll give you one guess you asshole.
"Why does America always bomb other countries?", my son asked tonight.
by digderidoo infirst of all i do not want to turn this into an american bashing thread, that is not my intention at all.. i would like to hear americans opinions as to what my thirteen year old son asked me tonight.. on the way back from swimming tonight my two sons (13 and 11) and myself started talking about wars.
my 11 year old was the first to bring it up talking about wwi & ww2.
we had an interesting conversation about it, then the subject got onto nuclear bombs.
But how do you feel about the anti-American feeling from other countries?
I couldn't give a shit what anti-American assholes think of us, Especially from Europe. You all would be speaking German right now if we didn't get involved in WW2. Not to turn this thread into a Europe bashing thing, but come on.
War just sucks
How did you find JWD?
by sweet pea inprompted by the thread about jwd v wts i wondered how many of you found jwd via the internet or friends/partners?
what were your first impressions?
i found this site through besty (husband) once my faith had crumbled after reading
It was right there, The day I had the courage to look.
Names have been changed. Why?
by easyreader1970 inthe only time that the watchtower publication uses the real name of a person mentioned is when it's some biographical experience that is the entire article.
anytime a witness is quoted in an article or other publication, they always include a footnote.
"i studied medicine because i wanted to use my life to help people.
Same reason the GB used (questions from readers) to address things they thought were of concern, When there was nobody asking the question to begin with.
They just love blowing smoke up peoples asses.
Certain Expressions That Are Silly
by minimus inwhat expressions get you going?.
i like "it's all good!!!
Have a good one. and as George Carlin says " I have a good one, I just want a longer one."
The Bible mans word not God's
by edmond dantes inlet's see now what do we have before us, why it's the bible and a group of self importent egotistical leaders of the world wide movement known as the jehovahs witnesses.let us assume for a moment that the bible is just an ordinary book not inspired by an almighty god but inspired by mere mortals and in it are contained the words of ordinary humans who claim to be speaking from divine authority and by direction of that same authority.
suppose it is just a collection of myths and legends, we say that because there is no tangible proof otherwise, so why should we say it's from the creator when it is without a doubt written by it are words of wisdom but you can find words of wisdom all over the place and we don't claim those to be inspired by god because they are formed by mans intelligence.. as for the people who put themselves forward as leaders of a man made organisation namely the watchtower society ,they are just cooking the books of the man made bible and serving up a concoction of man made ideas leading to nowhere in particular and the worst part about it is the fact they have been doing it for over one hundred years and achieving nothing whatsoever to the betterment of the residents of this planet, in fact they can be a detriment and a hinderence to a persons progress through life.
can anyone make a list of the good achievments of the watchtower leaders over the last one hundred years?.
It all comes down to, 1 you believe in invisible beings or 2 you don't.
All faith is blind so whatever makes one happy, ride on.
In my mind I believe intelligent life on other planets could be, Does that mean it does ? No.
Out at home !
Why to people give thanks (prayer) to god for their food?
by sinis ini find it completely ironic that people thank god for food and clothing, when if you look at the ot in genesis you see how yahweh curses the ground and tells man that he will work his ass off for food, shelter, daily life.
why are people giving thanks to a god who knowingly made life hell to begin with?
couldn't it be said that man works for his own food and that he should be thanking himself?
Prayer is a form of O.C.D. What about praying for air ?, Just eat !
It's all about guilt , Religions #1 tool.
Because they are run by boring people who act like robots, I could never get used to them even though I tried.