Freedom of knowledge,expression and the internet is a major thorn in the side of not only every religion on the planet but every nation.
They no longer have control over what people fill their heads with and it drives them crazy. Ego fuckers
Some US law makers ( any named Rockefeller ) have pushed to change the internet because of all those crazy terrorist and how they could hack into our nuclear shit or whatever bla bla bla bla bla bullshit !
That would have been a little easier then supposably hijacking planes. If they could do it they would have, Come on, they live in caves, or do they ?
and I thought we invented this shit, Didn't we ? How could you invent something to control nuclear weapons and not have total control over it. BULLSHIT !
Anyway back to the mind controlling Cult known as Jehovahs Witnesses , I used to almost laugh out loud, definitly a chuckle when they would say not to do research on the internet for your talks and assignments.
It has become so obvious that the world is coming to a head and people are going to loose it if you take away the one thing that has set them free.
The information highway must stay as it is. (I know, that was a little 90's ) but so true. The Clergy, All Clergy are the puppets and cheerleaders.
They defend free speech but want it to go away.
This Cult does have the right though, Infringement of their vomit, it's the law.