As 1 Cor. 8:2 (NWT)says... "If anyone thinks he has aquired knowledge of something, he does not yet know it just as he ought to know it." Having made that point, who can really say anything with any degree of certainty? Not I, for sure. All I can do is say "It appears to be such." Remember... only a fool says he's positive. Am I sure of that, you ask? Absolutely positive!
Posts by dhook
by Bill Parker inwas disfellowshipping for christians today?.
tuesday, december 11, 2001. .
in an effort to keep this as short as possible i am going to try and focus only a bare minimum of scriptures realizing that no one today appreciates too long a post.. in luke 12:48 these words are found, in part: ... to whom much was given much will be demanded.
by Bill Parker inwas disfellowshipping for christians today?.
tuesday, december 11, 2001. .
in an effort to keep this as short as possible i am going to try and focus only a bare minimum of scriptures realizing that no one today appreciates too long a post.. in luke 12:48 these words are found, in part: ... to whom much was given much will be demanded.
Dear TweetieBird!
You're quite right, I suspect, but then how can we be certain of anything? Hitler was Hitler, afterall. I was disfellowshipped and the change I experienced was more of a bitterness toward everyone associated with the JWs, perhaps toward the world in general. Today, however, I'm at peace with the past... and leave it lie where it is, in the past. -
by Bill Parker inwas disfellowshipping for christians today?.
tuesday, december 11, 2001. .
in an effort to keep this as short as possible i am going to try and focus only a bare minimum of scriptures realizing that no one today appreciates too long a post.. in luke 12:48 these words are found, in part: ... to whom much was given much will be demanded.
Here's a thought... Does your Scriptural rebuttal of Disfellowshipping then mean that the Pope in power at the time of Adolph Hitler's rampage across Europe was right in his not excumunicating Hitler because of his anti-Christian activities?
Can we understand the message of the Bible
by Bill Parker inreply to question- can we understand the message of the bible?.
joel bear made the following comment to me: as one of jehovahs witnesses who bears his name, why not give a well thought out answer to the question.. .
the questions as far as i can determine are this: why is the bible so ambiguous that so many interpretations are possible?
Heavy and long... but, strangely enough, clear to my mind. I guess the person that understands the Scriptures fully (that's not going to happen in this system, I'm certain)is blessed beyond belief. But we all know that there are things that have not been revealed at this time but are "yet for the appointed time." However, if what Peter says at 2 Pet. 1:20+21 is true, that the Scriptures were written by men borne along by holy spirit, I doubt if it's wise to condemn the whole book on account of possible errors in translations. But scoffers were also a part of the sign of our times.
Keep up the good work, Bill... you're trying to clear up the fog and that's not a bad thing.
dhook -
to disgruntled Christians
by dhook inmatthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
No one on this planet has all the answers. If there is, they're keeping it a secret. All through the Scriptures we read about the terrible things that have happened to this one and that because of a wrong course chosen. Nothing has changed. A thoughtless act can still bring mysery and suffering to innocent others. My own life is testimony to that fact.
As Robert Frost said in his poem, The Road Not Taken "Two roads diverged in a wood, and I- I took the one less travelled by, And that has made all the difference."
Sure, there were many times I could have taken a different path; in retrospect, I should have! But here I am. Here we are. Now what? As I kid my pal Bill (a contributor to this board): We're here for the ride so, for good or bad, we might as well see it through. I believe the game is in the final inning so why stop now?
As for the pains we all have experienced (or inflicted) over the years, maybe we haven't taken to heart the familiar Scripture found at Revelation 21:4. If we strive to comply with what we know of God's will for us, the past errors will eventually be forgotten... forever. Those we lost may be returned to us. We may just get a fair shake, another chance to make amends.
But trying to live a Christian Life in a sick and twisted world is by no means an easy choice nor voyage. But we knew that, already... right? When we joined we were told that it wouldn't be a cake-walk. Well, they were right there! It hasn't been. So we do as you suggest: read the Bible with some friends... kick around some ideas... and don't be afraid of "speculating" a little if it helps kindle your flame. That's what I'm doing too.
Thanks for your comments.
dhook -
to disgruntled Christians
by dhook inmatthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
As long as people on this earth are subject to Satan's Power, we will have problems with false prophets. Until Christ takes full reign and ousts Satan, we will never know for certain what course to take. All I know (or think I know)is that the Bible is the written word of God. For me, I guess, it's my task to continue to study the Scriptures and try to connect the lines until I get a picture that makes sense. Of course it helps when you have other like-minded people to bounce your ideas off of, thereby keeping you from going off the deep end of reality... as some tend to wander in that direction. But in the finale, Jehovah will be the judge of matters. However, living life the best you can, and making an honest effort to apply Scriptural teachings in your everyday dealings... what else can we do? I know of nothing else.
Thanks for your remarks.
dhook -
to disgruntled Christians
by dhook inmatthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
I guess anyone who believes (or wants to believe) in Christianity has experienced the same quest as you: some evidence of God within their religion. We don't see mountains quaking, fingers writing cryptic messages on our walls, or do we even have dreams of things to come. I don't expect we ever will. The fact is (or seems to be)that what the Scripture says atMatthew 12:39, has been applied to our generation too. No sign. Maybe that's what faith is all about. Also, the Scripture at 2 Peter 1:20+21 points out that God has already spoke through prophets of old, "... men spoke from God as they were borne along by Holy Spirit." And, I guess, the things we don't see... the things that are drawing the nations toward Armegeddon, these are the things we should be taking note of. By doing that, we will not only build our faith, but we'll be certain that God is very much alive and active.
I hope this helps. Thanks for your comments.
dhook -
to disgruntled Christians
by dhook inmatthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
Thank you for your remarks, Hillary; I found them quite interesting. The idea that Jehovah's Witnesses are the only Christians on the planet seems to contradict what Jesus said about the wheat and the weeds growing together until the harvest. It would be more reasonable to assume that true Christians would be scattered across the entire world, existing within and without any religion. I guess it's all a matter of heart.
dhook -
to disgruntled Christians
by dhook inmatthew 24:14 and this good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.
im new to this board game, but i have been reading the submissions and replies from .
I hear you. What I was referring to about real truth was doctrine such as Christendom's view on Hell, Soul, Death, Trinity, etc., etc.. As for those remaining in the WTS, I'm confident that the time will come when they become tired of the milk and desire some solid food... whatever that is. Those seeking will find.
Thanks for your thoughts.
dhook -
October 7, 2001 - A Date of "Infamy" ...
by MDS inoctober 7, 2001 -- a date of "infamy" for all jehovah's witnesses earthwide .
upcoming "events" & the "great tribulation" upon mystery "israel" -- jeremiah 30:7; matthew 24:21, 22; rev.
7:14. the bible makes a number of serious "predictions" about the future of mystery "israel," ... whom i propose to be jehovah's witnesses of our time.
Very deep stuff. I've been off duty for quite awhile... trying to locate solid ground, as it were. But I'll take a bit at a time and think on your data.