I was actually travelling abroad for the first time. I was eighteen years old, and Me, my Mom, my Brother and my Sister were in Berlin, Germany.
We were sightseeing that day, and that evening we went to the Parkbuhne Wulhiede to attend a Radiohead Concert.
In line there was a frenchmen who told my brother that the WTC had been "bombed!" We thought this was unbelievable, and well, he was french...
So, Radiohead comes on after APC, and Thom (the lead singer) tells the audience about the two planes flying INTO the WTC, he said this in a very very somber and horrified way.
Then, I think it was the last song, he dedicated Street Spirit to "George Bush in hopes that he doesn't declare WW3" which seemed possible at the time...
Then at the hotel there was CNN, the only english language channel so we watched a bit of the coverage.
Travelling back...was strange.
We went through JFK, the way we had come, and while it was lines and people the way to Europe, it was practically vacant on the way back. Quite eerie.
There was also noticeably two or three Air Marshalls on the plane from NY to SLC.
So, that was actually quite an interesting situation to be in on 9/11.
JoinedPosts by smellsgood
What Were You Doing When You Found Out about 9-11 5 Years Ago??
by mama1119 ineveryone has a story about what they were doing and the emotions that followed after the twin towers were hit...what is your story?
by Mary inall of us were raised by someone and even though our cultures vary greatly as to what constitutes "good" and "evil", there's some pretty basic guidelines that people are generally raised to believe.. if there were no set guidelines as to how we should act, would humans grow up good or evil if there wasn't someone else telling them what to do?
what is our inherited nature?
to be like ghandi or hitler?
It seems ex jw's in the UK are angrier than anywhere else why?
by hambeak ini admittedly am new to this and i am not being judgmental.
why does it seem that when i read the threads from folks in the uk it seems they are preoccupied with a lot of research into the wts and changes into their beliefs?
why not just let it go and go on with life.
hambeak says: Why not just let it go and go on with life.
smellsgood says: I have a big problem with that attitude. To me, it is like having gangrene and someone saying to you, what are you focusing on your wound for, just get on with your soldiering.
Its that passivity that would allow the WT to continue to get away with swindling and hoodwinking and any other term of antiquity that describes taking people for a ride.
It's about justice. Should a crime victim just stop trying to pursue justice through prosecution of the perpetrator because they should just "get on with life." Yeah, you got robbed at gunpoint, quit talking about it.
The fact is, there is six million people who the WT strives to make MANIC EVANGELIZERS of. This will in turn bring more people into a system of deceit, lies and manipulation.
It is like a virus. Let's keep seeking to innoculate from and treat after the disease of the Watchtower -
Whats left for me to say?
by KW13 ini can't describe what i feel, when i see my mum as a jw.
sometimes (like today) it really gets me down knowing she and millions of others are living a life that is not going anywhere.. she's been to the british musuem, i've gotten e-mails from the british musuem.
we've read literature/websites/bible e.t.c.
I think its always good to inform them about their religion by exposing them to similarities and what you would like them to know of the WatchTower through other cults.
For example, you want similar?
WWCOG before it reformed, Herbert W. Armstrong, published Plain Truth Magazine, said it was the gospel as hasn't been preached since a siege on Jerusalem in 69 A.D. (first century Christianity restored!) didn't celebrate Christmas or Easter, look up his false prophecies, maybe you can open a dialogue of what would biblically constitute a false prophet and then if she were to identify his prophecies as false, how then could she deny the WT?
look up William Branham, good source of false prophecies
The Way international, first century Christianity restored, Victor Paul Wierwille was a total perv granted, but had a structure very similar to WT.
Mormons-First century christianity restored, Joseph Smith false prophet, unity and preaching proves we are the "truth" which they will refer to themselves as.
Also show her the thought processes maybe through use of ex-cult members of different adherence than the WT.
Sun Myung Moon, he's better'n Jesus! Gospel lost then found. The Unification church.
Even Moses David of "The Family" said similar things to the WT.
if you can show her the structure, how they entrap people, how they are entirely exclusive, ask her how these members are supposed to figure out they are being misled when they are not supposed to read any non "kosher" information not approved through their channel. Ask her what this accomplishes for those who are doing the misleading.
They all make claims of being prophets/restored christianity/god's channel. Examine how you would test something like that.
If they make false prophecies, would God truly be using them?
I hope this helps you or gives you an idea of some groups to perhaps research if you think this is a good option -
How much truth is there within the Watchtower Society?
by The wanderer inhow much truth within the organization?
often times, having spent so many years as being one of jehovah's.
witnesses, the question crosses my mind, "how much truth was.
Look up the word "supplant" and this is more accurate to what Christendom did with the pagan holidays. Christmas is perfect because it was three days death, then rising again, which, um, is similar to what Christians believe about Jesus
of course rabbits and eggs and britney spears are all symbols of fertility
The only time I can imagine the watchtower making an honest proclamation is when they finally admit its all been a lie kids.
They are not right on any of their "specialized" doctrines. Poorly reasoned, thought out and researched, or just plain looney. -
Name the Books That Impacted You The Most.
by XJW4EVR inanything by raymond franz is a given.. 1984. siddartha.
lord of the flies.
grapes of wrath.
The Chronicles of Narnia -C.S. Lewis. First read these in first grade, and still enjoy them.
A Wrinkle in Time- Madeliene L'Engle
The Plague- Albert Camus
Brave New World- Aldous Huxley
We- Yevegeny Zamyatin
Mrs. Piggle Wiggle- all of them
BFG- Roald Dahl (pretty much any book by him is good
The Prydain Chronicles-Lloyd Alexander
Better Homes and Gardens-New Cook Book
How to cook everything- Mark Bittman
Selections from Greek and Roman Historians- Edited C.A. Robinson Jr.
Power of Babel-John McWhorter
Crisis of Conscience-Raymond Franz
Peralandra- C.S. Lewis
The Hiding Place - Corrie Ten Boom -
Happiness is... now you fill in the blank
by jayhawk1 in.
happiness is playing hungry hungry hippos for over an hour with your daughter and loving every minute of it..
Why can't the headline be "Paris Hilton dies in tragic diving accident!"
by free2beme ini am so sick of this woman, and her fame for simply being born into a rich family.
i am just waiting for the day that we get to see her name in the obituary and not on the front of some magazine to say what a great thing she has done, when she found a lost dog.
i actually like the movie, "house of wax", as it does allow you to see some damage done to this woman.
Go look at the how many hours you all work per week thread, and then look at Paris Hilton who feels quote "proud of herself" for "making her own money" by getting paid 500,000 to show up at a friggin nightclub. She demanded 650,000 to make an appearance on the new Charlotte Church show in England..she got turned down. She's always around at events to pick up all sorts of diamonds and freebies. She got paid 1mil I believe to make an appearance at Cannes. And she is PROUD OF THIS. Give me a friggin break.
She's vapid
She's selfish, greedy, and should not garner any attention.
Yes, she couldn't help being born rich, but give me a break on her using this silver spoon to foist her talentless marketing ploys on hapless americans.
she doesn't deserve any respect imo.
ick. She's the apex of indulgence and excess. -
How up are you on the music and musical artist, hot today?
by free2beme inas i get older, i understand more the generation gap we always remembered being mentioned with our parents.
i always thought i was on top of the music scene, as i used to run a music and video store in the late 80's.
i thought it kept me on a path, that would keep me in the know of what was hot and what was not.
I hate the radio. Who is "hot" on the radio is who the record companies have paid through independent firms hundreds of thousands of dollars for a certain number of "spins" on the radio. Same old sound, same songs over and over, artists who are crap, etc. Not all of course. I think satellite would be the only radio I would listen too, but I have access to music I truly like through other venues. From what I can recall when I used to be forced to listen to radio, there was an insane amount of car toys/tv commercials, dumb psa's, and annoying jockeys. bleck.
My Experience (become JW and DF)
by windchime inhello guys!
first let me tell you my life as jw.
i was born in 1969 at northern side of japan and started bible study with my brother when i was 10. later my mother joined and baptized when i was high school student.
conichiwa windchime!
cool, I don't know for sure but could you be the first one from Japan on here? At least that I know of.
You are very good in english! I know, I am corresponding with someone from Japan right now.