I wish it would cool down here. I can't wait for the thunderstorm. I just recieve my electric bill this morning. It's higher than normal. I can only presume it's down the electric fans we have around the house, we even have it on all night.
JoinedPosts by Ironhead
What charitable works have you done?
by anewme inthe watchtower society is notorious for discouraging the brethren from performing acts of kindness and charity towards people of the world, claiming in their literature it is a waste of time or worse the funds may be absconded.
(see awake of this year "what is happening to charity?
today was 109 degrees in our town.
We were told during the conventions, not to buy The Big Issue magazine from homeless people. I've always bought one before becoming a jw, and no stupid rule was going to stop me giving to the homeless. There were 4 sellers I used to give money to on a regular basis and I remember the dirty looks brothers gave because I gave these people my money. It made my blood boil. I also gave money to cancer research, British Heart Foundation, and Red Cross via direct debit. So the WTS and the elders didn't know about it.
Why did you choose your USER NAME?
by In Between ini think some people actually use part of their real name.
i chose mine because i really feel 'in between', in that space where your not a jw anymore but really haven't figured out where you are in life and what path you want to take.
just thought it would be an interesting topic.
Did you ever do this to pass the time during the talks?
by free2beme inyou get a new bible, and as you opened it, you notice that the pages all stuck together in these onion skin thin pages.
so you start separating them, with that crack snip and then separated sound.
that was fun, let me do another, i wonder if i could get through all of genesis before this guy finishes his talk.
Graduate students or ex-grad students on this board?
by silentWatcher inhey, .
are there any current or ex-graduate students (hopefully graduated :0) on the board?
professional degrees (law, medicine, etc) count too.
Favorite Band as a teenager........
by whyamihere inas a teenager, what was your favorite band?
this band can be a local, main stream etc..... my favorite local band was little blue crunchy things, they were from milwaukee, wi.
(even hung out with them)!
Night Owl or Early Bird?
by damselfly ini can't sleep, i'm usually up until 2 (or later) every night.......then the alarm goes off at 6:30 and i'm up to start my day.
i find that i'm more alert and productive in the night time, however i am sooo tired of not being able to sleep.
so how about you, night owl or early bird?
Foreign Language congregations
by Ironhead ini used to think it was good to use foreign language in the ministry as people like to here the lie truth in their mother tongue.
i attended a foreign language congregation a few years ago, but i quickly started to hate it.
on the tms you were counselled on your laguage skills not on how good your talk was.
Foreign Language congregations
by Ironhead ini used to think it was good to use foreign language in the ministry as people like to here the lie truth in their mother tongue.
i attended a foreign language congregation a few years ago, but i quickly started to hate it.
on the tms you were counselled on your laguage skills not on how good your talk was.
Ministry in the morning, meetings all afternoon- I'm exhausted just reading that. How long did you last?Two and a half years. I had to get up for work at 4am. It was a nightmare. I found that lazy pioneers found it easy as they didn't go on the ministry until 11am next morning.
Foreign Language congregations
by Ironhead ini used to think it was good to use foreign language in the ministry as people like to here the lie truth in their mother tongue.
i attended a foreign language congregation a few years ago, but i quickly started to hate it.
on the tms you were counselled on your laguage skills not on how good your talk was.
I used to think it was good to use foreign language in the ministry as people like to here thelietruth in their mother tongue. I attended a foreign language congregation a few years ago, but I quickly started to hate it. On the TMS you were counselled on your laguage skills not on how good your talk was. Public talk, watchtower, tms and sm all on the same day. We use to start at 1.30pm and finish 5.45pm, not only was it a long day, but listening to talks,etc in another language for hours when you're not fluent can give you a bloodly headache! And because of the meeting time, I hardly spoke to my wife on a Sunday because we had to go on the ministry in the morning and we didn't get home until 7pm. So much for family time! During the CO visit we used to get counsel by not doing enough RVs. How could we when our language skills were limited and the householder can't speak english. When people of a particular language do come to meetings, I found they only mingled among those of there own race or culture and cliques quickly form. When you were a jw, how did you feel about foreign language congregations?