Sorry Elsewhere,
Stress always seems to come in Threes. Just when you feel its time to cash in something good happens. Heres to good happening quickly for you.
sometimes we all find ourselves in periods of time where we are constantly hit by stress... right now is one of those times for me.
i seem to recall a little string i can pull on a bus to make it stop... now where is that thing for the earth???
Sorry Elsewhere,
Stress always seems to come in Threes. Just when you feel its time to cash in something good happens. Heres to good happening quickly for you.
its the middle of summer, i am trying to keep 3... 6 footers fed and can only serve steak or hamburgers so many nights.. its too hot to heat up the oven and i am running out of ideas.. any grill miesters out there willing to share your favorite recipe would be appreciated, including marinades, veggie side dishes etc.. many thanks in advance.
(yes i know this isn't a cooking forum, but we all have to eat and thought it would be fun for everyone!).
Why Georgia, ... I can't sun dry tomatoes here in florida (too humid) but I will try your oven technique. I Love them, but they are so darned costly in the grocery store. Hi jacking...NO problem!
the bible can be quite a hefty read, so if you want to read it why not do yourself a favour and have a look at the lego version?
if only they'd studied this version at the hall, i would have actually paid attention.
I am still laughing while I post this. Did you put together all those scenerios with legos? My younger son, now 19 proabably owns $2000.00 worth of those things. I have huge containers out in the garage of sorted legos.
You made my day!
since growing a pony tail i have a sense of command .
i am no longer visited by the elders ( to encourage me), dubs may say hello but never converse ( to encourage me).
i have a sense that i'm having the last word .
My dad, an x-elder grew a pony tale in later years. It was really very nice, a silver curling lock. No one bothered him.
attending meetings and performing your theocratic duties and acting as if nothing is wrong while all the time knowing it is all a fabicated lie.
i went into a vacumm, did not talk to anybody, end of prayer,gone!
went late left early, no comments, no singing, no prayer.
I love Undercover's last statement (can't seem to cut and paste into my reply).
I spent my entire teenage years living a total lie. We were taught well to live a double life and keep our mouths shut. There was no choice.
i know i don't post much, but this board has been a source of confort to me in my journey out of the borg.
that is why i want to share with my online friends that my beagle, remington, is very ill and i would appreciate all your thoughts and prayers.
he is only 8-yrs-old and is my baby.
((Alana)) sending you and your pal best wishes for a full recovery!
its the middle of summer, i am trying to keep 3... 6 footers fed and can only serve steak or hamburgers so many nights.. its too hot to heat up the oven and i am running out of ideas.. any grill miesters out there willing to share your favorite recipe would be appreciated, including marinades, veggie side dishes etc.. many thanks in advance.
(yes i know this isn't a cooking forum, but we all have to eat and thought it would be fun for everyone!).
Thanks everyone! Lots of great sounding dishes here. Keep 'em coming.
what has come back to me and what i have realized through this website is that my mother was probably mentally very sick with this religion for most of her life.. it was a sickening obsession to obey, tattle, feel extreme guilt, turn in family members, and never, ever measure up no matter what she did.
endless months of pioneering, meeting attendance and studying for meetings were not enough .....ever....she is now 73 years old and still trying to pioneer in the exhausting heat of florida.
in her full time pioneering days she came down with breast cancer.
Sadly, my mother is not on anti-depressents despite the fact that she has stated for years she'd rather be dead so she can get into the new system. She has proclaimed for years that she is waiting to die, and that this life holds nothing for her.
I always thought, if you can't find any joy now in this life, that god has given you, why would you be any happier in a future life?
I asked her this question and was given the following answer: I will be able to pet large exotic cats, I won't remember my present bad children, I will see my 19 year old son again, and my mom and dad again, and I will be young again in the new system.
how many times did the chairman at the meetings address the whole cong as "brothers" where you are?
one [note... one of many] of my peeves was this one guy in particular would always address everyone there as brothers, whether the wore skirts of not.
now brothers, yes that includes the brothers in skirts with long hair and earings..... .
It is only brothers, until a sister has seduced them into bad behaivor, you know like., Adam and Eve.
Despite the fact the a...h.....had black mailed me into doing what he wanted,(me being 16 and the man being 23 on pulic reproof in a hall which I did not know about) according to the JC I was the wicked one as the women blackmailed into preforming the requested acts.
Since he was the guilty party reporting all the info as the male (and exagerated at that), and because I refused to marry him and had not come forward, I was the dirty dog.
Oh yes, "Now Brothers" don't believe the evil little woman, just get rid of the dirty little whore.
This subject really gets me tired.
i listened to the radio this morning and that was the topic for discussion.
many women called in to share their sacrifices for love.
What I did do:
I had 2 sons aged 2 and a half and one 8 months old and agreed to pack up from a beautiful home in Chicago so my husband could start his own business in Florida. If I knew what I know now would I do the same? I don't know. We have had some wonderful times and horrible times.
I miss Chicago horribley....sometimes. Not the weather but the general population, city, hard working ethics and cultural advantages. We live in vacation heaven, everything is temporary, including the damned housing. Cheap, cheap, cheap. Although our home has caught up in values over the years, it seems like such a red necked, red state mentality. Too much religion, too many flags flying off of car windows without thought to what they are flying them for. Few seem to have pride in their yards or homes. I have never seen such lack of respect for neighbors or a neighborhood. Yet our home is valued over $350,000.00.
Would I give up what I did back then, knowing what I know now. Probably not.