It is a state between sleep and being awake, nothing else.
What the above poster said is correct, we all go in and out of different states of conscienceless every day. And not just when we go to sleep. For instance if you have been to a meeting at a kingdom hall, I guarantee you, you were in a hypnotic state of mind a good portion of the time. You go into that same state, veging out in front of the TV, and when you daydream. So if you fear that demons may have access to you in this sate. You will have to be very diligent to always be very alert, 24/7. Which is impossible!
And going along with your line of reasoning, supposing there is a god that loves us. Do you really think he would allow demons such easy access to his children? Imagine, watching TV or dozing on your front porch, would leave you open to attack! Is this loving or fair?