a clean toilet can bring good fortune, or even make you more beautiful,
I have heard that Japanese toilet cleaners are the most beautiful women in the world.
They receive higher fees then any Geisha.
tokyo (reuters) - cleanliness has long been next to godliness for the hygiene-conscious japanese, but fortune-tellers are now advising those who want to succeed in life to start by scrubbing the smallest room.. "cleaning the toilet to attract luck" published this month is the latest in a series of books advising readers on how to attract good fortune using a brush and an array of cleaning fluids.. "don't just wipe the floor, polish it," the book instructs.
"it's important to maintain a positive mood while cleaning.".
a clean toilet can bring good fortune, or even make you more beautiful,
I have heard that Japanese toilet cleaners are the most beautiful women in the world.
They receive higher fees then any Geisha.
a 16 year old girl was recently disfellowshipped from my congregation.
i was told by some busybodies that she had a ''wordly'' boyfriend and that she committed fornication.now she sits home alone while her parents attend 3 meetings per week.. my questions are:did the elders meet with the parents first to let them know what the offense was?
were her parents told what the judicial meeting would be about and how it works?
Can you imagine a 16 year old (alone) being able to defend themselves in a court of law?
Excellent point, it really puts it in perspective.
The Society has no love or understanding of children.
They pay lip service to it, but their actions speak louder then anything they can say or print.
every time a circuit and district overseer visited our congregation,the elders always wanted a show of hands from the congregation to see if we would pay for their car expenses and travel.sometimes the congregation would pay for airline tickets.it was always approved.. do you know if the idea came from the local congregations to pay?
did the wts send out letters to each congregation to see if they would pay?
we know that the wts always get what they want.. it's amazing how we paid $250-$400 for each overseer visit and the wts paid nothing..
when I was in the Northeast we used to give the CO $30-50. Taking my congregation as an example say the average each elder gave was $40.
I was such an idiot, when the CO came around I always slipped him $150-$200.
I would be behind on my mortgage, and the electric company would be ready to shut me off, but i would scrape up the money to give the CO.
ok' you're a productive hell bent jw, and i'm a "lost sheep" waiting to be guided by your spiritual knowledge.
preach to me... .
this morning at 9am i was having a shave when the door bell rang.
within seconds my 6 year old son answered the door (it's school holidays here) and before i could towel the shaving cream off my face i heard the door close again.
my 6 year old announced "it was some people selling comics" and he handed me a february 15 watchtower - lol.. having a read just now i noted an article our unique solar system how it got here.
"it was some people selling comics"
Hahaha, the wisdom of children.
They cut right through the BS. and see reality.
my main 3 reasons for my near exit from the wts are:.
1. armageddon is always around the corner.lies and false promises.
( i'm still waiting ).
1. Their lack of love and how completely disfunctional the whole system was.
2. I refused to subject my children to the authority of uneducated window washers/Elders.
3. Their attitude and treatment of children.
have you ever been in a position where you really needed your friends - ie a relationship break down, or some other event and expected your friends to rally and support you.
only to find that those friends are nowhere to be seen or heard and when you tentatively enquire how they are in the hope for some kind response you get - "oh well you'll get over it.
" or words to that effect and by email.. i have as you can guess a reason and recent experience of my own that i'll share later, but i wondered how do you handle that?
With the situation as you described, I really think you should tell your friend exactly how you feel.
Sometimes people just don't think, I've been guilty of this in the past and when it was brought to my attention, I was very,very embarrassed, I don't know how I could have been so thoughtless but I was
I'm glad the person spoke up.
i was sitting at my chair, quiet and not speaking, just like my mother had always told me to behave at the meetings.
the speaker was talking about times past, and promised futures, and we followed along periodically with references looked up in our bibles.
the sound of pages being shuffled through, filled the air at times and you could also hear people whispering silent comments in the distance.
I enjoyed that free2
i don't know if this has been discussed yet or not.
but has anyone noticed the article on the back page of the 11/15/06 wt, with the above title?
it quotes a ephraim stern in the journal "biblical archaeology review" as stating "the assyrians and babylonians both ravaged large parts of ancient israel, yet the archaeological evidence from the aftermath of their respective conquests tells two very different stories.
Leo, thanks for the link,
I figured it had allready been discussed, but i couldn't seem to find it.
i don't know if this has been discussed yet or not.
but has anyone noticed the article on the back page of the 11/15/06 wt, with the above title?
it quotes a ephraim stern in the journal "biblical archaeology review" as stating "the assyrians and babylonians both ravaged large parts of ancient israel, yet the archaeological evidence from the aftermath of their respective conquests tells two very different stories.
I don't know if this has been discussed yet or not. But has anyone noticed the article on the back page of the 11/15/06 WT, with the above title? It quotes a Ephraim Stern in the journal "Biblical Archaeology review" as stating "The Assyrians and Babylonians both ravaged large parts of ancient Israel, yet the archaeological evidence from the aftermath of their respective conquests tells two very different stories." "While the Assyrians left a clear imprint of their presence in Palestine, there is a strange gap after the Babylonian destruction." "there is a complete gap in evidence suggesting occupation. In all that time, not a single town destroyed by the Babylonians was resettled." Well I had to search around for the article, and I found it here Biblical Archaeology Society Online Archive Search Here is his article as he wrote it, notice how the Society skips around all the parts involving dates, picking and choosing what they want the flock to hear. The Babylonian Gap The Assyrians and Babylonians both ravaged large parts of ancient Israel, yet the archaeological evidence from the aftermath of their respective conquests tells two very different stories. Why? In 721 B.C.E., the Assyrians brought an end to the northern kingdom of Israel. A little more than a century later, the Assyrians themselves suffered defeat at the hands of the Babylonians, who became the world’s new superpower. The Babylonians were no less bent on mayhem and destruction than the Assyrians had been: In 586 B.C.E., they burnt Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple, bringing an end to the southern kingdom of Judah and 400 years of Davidic rule. As destroyers, the Assyrians and Babylonians had much in common. But the periods that followed their conquests could not be less alike. While the Assyrians left a clear imprint of their presence in Palestine, there is a strange gap after the Babylonian destruction. Call it an archaeological gap, if you wish. The savage Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem is well documented both in the Bible (in the books of Jeremiah and Lamentations) and in the archaeological record. When Nebuchadnezzar first placed the city under siege in 597 B.C.E., the city quickly capitulated, thereby avoiding a general destruction. But in response to a revolt by Judah’s King Zedekiah, Nebuchadnezzar dispatched an army that, after an 18-month siege, captured and destroyed the city in 586 B.C.E. The evidence of this destruction is widely confirmed in Jerusalem excavations. On his first swing through Judah, Nebuchadnezzar had destroyed much of Philistia—Ekron, Tel Batash, Tell Jemmeh, Ruqeish and Tel Sera‘. Particularly devastated was Ashkelon, which the Babylonians sacked in 604 B.C.E. Similar evidence of Babylonian destruction can be found throughout the Beersheba Valley, in the Aravah (the valley south of the Dead Sea) and in the Jordan River valley. From south to north, we can trace the effects of Babylonian might—at Tell el-Kheleifeh on the coast of the Red Sea, at Ein Gedi on the shore of the Dead Sea, and further north at Dan, the source of the Jordan River. The same is true in excavations at major northern sites—Hazor; Megiddo, overlooking the Jezreel Valley; and Dor, on the Mediterranean coast—and in central Judah, where, in addition to Jerusalem, we may look at Ramat Rahel and Lachish, among other sites. But the strange thing is that above the remains left by these destructions, we find no evidence of occupation until the Persian period, which began in about 538 B.C.E. For roughly half a century—from 604 B.C.E. to 538 B.C.E.—there is a complete gap in evidence suggesting occupation. In all that time, not a single town destroyed by the Babylonians was resettled. This is true even of the old Assyrian fortresses along the Way of the Sea (the Via Maris); they were reoccupied only in the Persian period, as shown by the recently excavated fort at Rishon le-Zion. The article continues on, if you would like to read it all, check out the above link. What I find truly priceless is the sister who calls on me brought me this to prove the WT's chronology, mainly concerning the question i had as to why the Society believes that Jerusalem was destroyed in 607bce. She brought me this to prove her 607 date! I can't wait till she calls back and I present her with the entire article.. BTW I was a true beliver until my thirties, I have been out for some time now, but I like to try to get JW's to think, so I encourage them to call on me.