I am looking forward to my wife reading these threads one day. I also am a bit scared that she will be concerned that our marriage was discussed here, but I still look forward to having to explain why when she reads it.
Very similar situation for me, except I am a never-JW UBM.
I have found JWD to be a lifeline that keeps me sane in many ways. I have learned so much, not just about the WTS itself but about the real, individual people it grinds up and spits out. It is also freeing to just be around others who understand all this crap, because no one else in my world does! I've found much help and encouragement here, and try to give the same where I can, but I also am very careful about the words I write and share, because I hope with all my heart that my JW will be here some day in the future. So I always (or at least usually LOL) post with that in my mind.
As for coping, my way is one day at a time, one inch at a time, slow and steady. There's no other alternative available to me really.