Wow, by his own admission his "scientific research" into the matter is thus:
((regarding the book Did Man Get Here by Evolution or by Creation?)): That same night I began reading the book that the Witness had left. Frankly, the contents impressed me. It was written in a logical manner, and it contained numerous scientific references concerning the subject of evolution. To my surprise, I learned that the Bible contains much more exact information regarding creation than I had previously realized. I finished examining the book in a few days and had to admit that what the Bible actually states about creation does not contradict the known scientific facts concerning life on earth.
Well that settles that!
I agree with what someone else above said, that this man is certainly a fluke and the society is hardly teeming with nuclear physicists. Still though, this is astonishing to me.
He also mentions the value of education:
My parents often reminded us children that the only way out of poverty was to get a good education. As a result, at a very early age, I set my mind on obtaining a college degree.
Shame that most young JWs will never have that option themselves.