Thanks Faye Dunaway, you are so right!. I realize that every time I've talked to someone in the past I have several thought processes interfering with the act of being genuine and interested and friendly:
1. Should I try to preach to this person, I should really, how am I going to bring it up without sounding like a nutjob....I'll feel guilty later because I didn't , maybe I should try next time....
2. This person is really nice, I like him/her but I shouldn't get too close because they are in the world, if we get on well, they'll invite me somewhere and then I'll have to say no and feel bad about it. If it's their birthday it will be awkward. Better act cold and distant so this friendship doesn't develop.
With witnesses:
1. He/She's probably wondering why I wasn't out in service / at the meeting last week, there not really interested in me just trying to find out what's going on.
2 I better hadn't mention (what I did, who I've seen, how I feel, what my family members did etc............) That might not go down too well, they might think bad about me or they might tell some elder etc.
what have these people done to my brain!!!!!!