I understand both points of view, on the one hand,
some might stay because they feel despite its imperfections and mistakes, this is the closest to the truth that there is, they learned a lot from this org and 'where else' would they go?
On the other hand,
Some might say, in all good conscience I can no longer accept the GB as gods channel, I can no longer recommend this way of life to others, because I see too many grave mistakes, imperfection etc. This feeling becomes especially powerful when you think: if they've got it wrong on blood then thousands have died needlessly, even children. It's quite likely that their incorrect policies have allowed children to be raped and sodomised whilst their abusers were inadvertently sheltered; and unfortunately there are thousands of broken families out there where parents are told they can't associate with their children and vice versa etc etc.
Either way, if we are conscientiously trying to do the right thing for God, ourselves and our families then will Jehovah and Jesus judge us adversely either way?? I know the GB says yes He will of the second group, but having read the gospel of Christ how can anyone believe that could be true?