What I view as indoctrination is so, according to multiple dictionaries. Changing the definition is alright if you want to fool yourself, but you'll find the rest of us use the proper meanings.
You cannot use the same reasons I gave (the dangers of religion) for wanting to keep religion. Religion is the cause of these problems.
I'm not sure how you can say indoctrination is similar to teaching. Teachers can prove things and it helps people learn facts. Indoctrination does neither.
I haven't targeted only Christians. If anyone else has you will have to ask them about it. Perhaps they focus on that religion because it is the most dominant where they live. I've debated muslims too. I'll debate someone of any religion, it's just harder to find those people.
I haven't said all people support me, just that Europe is moving away from religion. If other people want to end religion by physical means, you will have to ask them about it. I don't know of anyone who is suggesting such a thing.
If religion is outlawed, then yes, that is oppression. Where have I said I want religion outlawed? Where have I said rational discourse would be upheld by laws such as the ones you are presenting? These flights of fancy are wonderful to read, but in no way relate to anything I've said.
People do like to have something to look up to (worship may be too strong a word). People may even kill over money, or because they feel patriotic, and I've said that if those things happen, we can deal with them then. You are saying 'Do not get rid of religion even though it kills people, because people will kill over something else.' It's like saying I shouldn't lock up a murderer, because there are other murderers in the world who will still murder anyway.
This nice 'pie in the sky' is already happening. Look at the nations that are moving away from religion. People have better health, better income, more intelligence... You seem to think it will all go terribly wrong, while the evidence is already showing that it isn't.
Man already governs himself without scripture. I think the only laws found in both the Bible and the law of the land are don't murder and don't steal. Also, don't lie (but that's only when it's perverting the course of justice).
Your post reads like a movie script- you cannot know all these terrible things will happen. They clearly aren't happening if you look. And if you believe it is God's will that religion will come to have a smaller voice, why are you fighting against it? Don't you want this to happen?