Here's some more to add to the list, yourmomma-
Egyptian hell-
The Egyptian underworld (called 'Duat') was sometimes referred to as "Neter-Khertet" (divine place underground) by the ancient Egyptians. The Egyptian God Horus, who was the sun, was said to die every night at the hands of his evil brother Set. Horus, the sun, would set in the West and travel 'under the world' from West to East, to be 'reborn' the next morning on the Eastern horizon (see: The sun of god).
Duat was also considered to be where the Egyptian people would go when they died. Upon arrival, an Egyptian's heart would be weighed on a scale by Anubis (the jackal-headed death god), against the "feather of Ma'at" (the feather of truth/justice), and then judged by Osiris (the god of life and death). A pure heart would be equal in weight to that of the feather of Ma'at, and the person would be able to live for the rest of eternity in peace. If the person's heart was heavy with burdon, however, it would weigh more than the feather of Ma'at, and the Egyptian with the heavy heart would be fed to Osiris' vicious baboon, Babi or fed to Ammit, the "bone devourer". In the event that a heart was lighter than the feather of Ma'at, that Egyptian would be sent to an area of Duat called "Aaru", a realm ruled by Osiris where Egyptians could exist in pleasure for all eternity. (see: Heaven)
Norse hell-
The Norse underworld is presided over by the Goddess of the dead whose name is "Hel". Hel is the daughter of Loki. This region is called "Helheim", which means "Hel Home" or "home of Hel" It is one of the "Nine Norse Worlds" (see: Norse worlds). Helheim is a desolate, misty place, which no one can leave beause it is surrounded by the river Gjoll. All who die of old age or disease go to Helheim. Only those who die valiantly in battle spend eternity in Valhalla, the opposite of Helheim. (see: Heaven) The entrance to Helheim is guarded by Modgud (the corpse eater whose breath is the frigid wind), and a guard dog named Garm (also called Fenrir), who has four eyes and is drenched in blood. His function is similar to that the Greek Cerberus. Within the walls of Helheim are various areas where souls could spend eterntity. "Baldur's Hall" is a cheerful area for good souls, who will spend the rest of time drinking ale and mead. On the other hand, "Nastrand" is an underworld prison for criminals, with walls woven from snakes, whose poison flows on the floor. The area of Nastrand is close to the Hell of Christian myth, whereas Baldur's Hall is comparable to the Greek Elysinian fields and Egyptian Aaru.
More information here (including other versions of hell) -
I am not afraid of hell, any more than people here are afraid of duat or helheim. Nobody believes in those places because we weren't raised to believe in them. Christianity is just the dominant religion in our society. But if we'd been born in ancient Egypt, we'd now all be discussing whether or not our hearts would be weighed on Anubis' scales in duat. How silly would that be? Ah wait... it's the exact same situation today.