Yes, they can d/f you if you did not ATTEND the meeting. You can bet your behind they had a JC. Happens all the time.
my parents just got a phone call from a longtime inactive witness who heard from his very active witness wife that they were announced df'd.
we don't know if its it true or not becuase none of us go to meetings anymore and have no inside sources at the hall to tell us (as we are apostates, who would tlak to us????
) the elders have tried a couple times to talk to them but my dad avoids them.
Yes, they can d/f you if you did not ATTEND the meeting. You can bet your behind they had a JC. Happens all the time.
does anyone remember that saying from their dub days?
i heard through the family grape vine that is why my marriage is over.....because jehovah was not in it and did not bless it.
it did not upset me them saying this.
Percentage wise, marriages are probabbly more succesful outside of the org. They are CERTAINLY more happy. Most dubs I know, (if not divorced), are NOT happy in thier marriage. They married because they HAD to, they stayed together because they HAD to. That's it. It dosen't work, period. My second time around (to my "worldy" fiance), promises to be infinately happier than my jw marriage ever was.
what if the watchtower announced that they are not god's sole channel of spiritual truth?
along with this admission, would come an apology for all of the misleading and damaging predictions and past teachings.
what if they also dumped the disfellowshipping arrangement, as currently practiced, and allowed for respectful disagreement and disent, on issues such as blood transfusions and military service?
No. Many religions have "reformed" themselves after past mistakes. That does not really have any real effect on whether what they teach is truthful or not. I'm not claiming that what a given religion teaches needs to be 100% accuarate, or it's just plain a waste of time, but the WTBTS has almost always, since its inception, without wavering, damned anyone who was not in full agreement with them. Even if THAT changes, by mere fact that they have in the past taken that stance, would be enough for me never to go back. Too many lives were destroyed by that nonsense, (and I'm speaking as if it is in the PAST tense, which presently, it is not).
A friend's cong. (and several others in the Midwest), had been shocked by the fact that Witnesses were actually firefighters in NYC during 9/11. Supposedly, they felt it was wrong to hold such as job, as someone was risking their life and could incur possible bloodguilt. Evidently other people's lives don't count as worthwile to be saved.
i'm sure you all have seen this video, but i just had to comment on it.
it shows off the humanitarian work that jws did in a selected part of africa.
this is such doubble speak.
This type of doublespeak is at the crux of what the WTS does wrong. Think about it, almost everything one is supposed to do as a dub is centered around giving a good impression, (of ones self, the cong, the org, etc). IT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH WHAT WE REALLY DO AS PEOPLE! It's a shame it took me as long as it did to see it.
roger insellman, barry sobieski and wade payne were three of the poorest cos i can remember in the decades i was a jw.
sobieski was a bully, using his authority to intimidate as much as possible.
insellman was just not personable, and was such a company man is so many ways. pun intended by the "hard-ass" comment...
roger insellman, barry sobieski and wade payne were three of the poorest cos i can remember in the decades i was a jw.
sobieski was a bully, using his authority to intimidate as much as possible.
insellman was just not personable, and was such a company man is so many ways.
I dunno about Wade Payne, we had a Brown Payne a few years ago, (late '90s), and he was a hard-ass. Only slightly more tolerable than Hawkins, whom he replaced.
Basically, those that go back to the org. after a period of inactivity do this because they never did any research during that period. Most, decide that they are just too weak to comply with the rules and go off and "do thier own thing" for a while. I have a good friend who is still a jw, and after 8 years of being inactive in the '80s came back to the org. He still tries to tell me that people he knew who left the org. still believe it is "the truth", they just can't do it. My challenge to him was in the form of presenting some information to him concerning 607. This more than got his attention. More to follow...
i used to hear about good `ol days when people were happy dubs.
people had fun, did things together and it seems by the tone of the converstaions that there was less control over every tiny detail of the brothers lives.. i remember the 1st time someone told me as an unbaptised publisher that i would eventually be 'counceled' for not wearing a suit.
i was utterly stunned!
I'm not sure I've ever known the org. to be non-controlling. That said, I would say it is worse recently though. Even with a more moderate view on things like education, it seems the WTS as of late has become obsessed with other things, such as controlling Internet usage, entertainment, and style of dress. You cannot be a normal person and be a jw anymore.
i think that as long as they think they are saved, they really don't care if people listen to them.
I would say most are unconcerned about bringing new ones into the org. Those that are concerned, are primarily concerned out of fear of bloodguilt, or other selfish reasons. NOT love for neighbor.