Why Do Inactive Ones Sometimes Go Back To The Organization?
by minimus 61 Replies latest jw friends
the dreamer dreaming
the ones I have met that came back while I was still in, never bothered to do any research into any other way.... while out they were still of the opinion that JWs had THE TRUTH and so they only felt inadequate and not up to God's forgiveness, etc.
Because they still accept the WT doctrines although they have violated such policies as "fornication, adultery, smoking, etc."
Maybe some of them still believe in it, or perhaps pressure from their families.
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
I know people who were inactive and went back because they never studied, so they just assume it's "the truth" because it's what they have been told. Like others have said.
I know inactive people who had children and then went back, feeling they will be bloodguilty for causing their children's deaths if they don't go back.
I have seen that a lot, people going back after they have children. In fact, the WTS used to assume that would happen when teenagers left but more and more are staying away or don't return for long. They come back and remember why they left...the unloving actions of the members.
I offer an actual conversation on this subject: - this person had faded long before me, and I trusted him with anything I had...
(And, this guy was a pretty brilliant thinker in his younger days. He should be well known to anyone from Oklahoma City/Yukon:)
Unfader to James: Well, James, I have gone back to the truth.
James to UF: What are you talking about?
UF to James: Well, I just thought I was getting old and I was kind of missing my friends...
James to UF: but, (P***), they lied to you!!!!!!!!!!
UF to James: Well, I know, but I still just missed them...
James to UF: but, they still lied to you!!!!!
UF to James: Well, OK, maybe they did, but Jehovah will help them in due time, and I still miss them. Bye the way, I have decided to shun you because you are a part of Satan the Devil.
This was one of the most disturbing things that ever happened to me in my entire life.
I swear by whatever that I did not make this up, and if anybody wants to guess to whom I refer here just give me a PM.
I cannot give a reason, I only report what really happened.
If they went back, they never really left.
Truly "leaving" requires one to delete ALL JW files and start from a clean slate i.e. change your "Operating System".
Many ex-JWs become agnostic and or atheist (including myself and all those I personally know) as a natural result of this "cleansing process" which
requires the deletion of even the "god program" followed by an empirical study of whether or not you have any logical reason whatsoever to install it again.
Now you learn the frustration people have when talking to a spouse that goes back to an active alcoholic or abuser or a child who was abused but still wants to go back to their abusive parents.
A lot of inactive ones are people who never could cut the mustard of being a full-time JW. They may believe the basic doctrines, they may defend the religion, they even feel guilty for not being a "better" JW, but they just couldn't cope with some aspect of the religion.
There can be lots of reasons people leave; the time required, the backbiting of other JWs, the cliques, abusive elders... but when out, they're still miserable. They feel the enormous guilt of not doing anything. Eventually they spiral into self-destructive behavior or they try to come back and be better JWs. Those that go back end up, usually, spending a life time of ups and downs, coming and going, weak and strong.
That's why irregular ones who came to the occasional meeting looked so unhappy. They were. They felt dread and guilt coming to the hall. And to make matters worse, their examples are thrown in the other JWs faces to impress upon them how unhappy they'll be if they start to slide backwards.
Guilt and fear. Fear and guilt.