Y'know you are allowed to drive more efficient cars!
... that is what the rest of the world does anyway.
Even though, sense a bit of "stupid Americans", sentiment here, I can't disagree with Simon. The American public has largely done this to themselves, (or at least allowed the commercial auto giants, ((and not just Detroit, btw)), to do this to us. We really don't need cars that are getting <20 MPG. We just think we do. I'm no better at this than anyone else, although my next vehicle will almost certainly be a hybrid.
I don't neccesarily buy the "death of suburbia" argument, either though. Our energy problems ARE solveable. We need to get heads out of asses though, stop wasting time with "alternative sources", (at least as a total solution), and start looking into REAL, working, practical energy sources: i.e. nuclear. We made a fatal mistake in 1979 by ending our nuclear plant buildout. The rest of the world, (a good example is France), has accomplished quite a bit along these lines. We are still stuck in "China Syndrome" mode. We cannot afford to be.
Nuclear energy will make the electric cars, (not hybrids),finally practical. One of the major reasons for the conecptual abandonment of electric cars has to do with the fact, that most of our current energy sources in use now, (coal, hydroelectric, wind, solar, geothermal, tidal, and 20% nuclear), cannot meet the consumption needs of electric vehicles. A nuclear based infrastructure could easily meet the demand of electric vehicles, with almost infinate room for growth.