An entire case study could be written about this picture.
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
An entire case study could be written about this picture.
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
Good analysis of Sept. '07 KM from former poster Leolaia:
It reads somewhat benign today. That in itself speaks to how off the rails the message from the WT currently is. The tone and content are common coin today in WT land. That was not so in 2007.
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
Millie210 - what was in the '07 KM?
I am sure I can find it here later, (at work now), but in short this was the first time I remember reading an article that flatly stated, (and I'm paraphrasing), "Don't read anything, don't research anything, just listen to us and shut up...."
My never have been a JW wife paraphrased the article as such, after I asked her to read it and tell me what she thought its message was. Very telling.
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
BU2B - You would think that they would potray the congregation in color and the DF sister as unhappy and in black and white. Very odd.
I am afraid unfortunately, they are just that out of touch. This is really troubling on many levels, even for them. It speaks volumes as to how f@cked up the organization is. Much more than can be easily articulated in a few paragraphs.
I really do think this is the worst thing they put in print since the September 2007 KM, and much worse.
this photo can be found in the april 15 , study edition article titled:.
why disfellowshipping is a loving provision.
just by looking at this image we can see how quickly the barrier between the congregation and former member is put up, after the announcement that this sister is no longer one of jehovah's witneses.
That is some loaded language in that illustration...
That might be the sickest picture ever in a WT ragazine.
governing body member david splane has a new video on where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
Just to add, it is no surprise they are leaning more towards the Catholic side of things, (of course, albeit with very different doctrine), since the consolidation of power to the GB is the main focus these days, (well, that and making money)...
governing body member david splane has a new video on where he talks about all the horrible things committed by martin luther and the protestant reformers.. his conclusion is that there has been no faithful and discreet slave on the earth during the past 1900 years (before 1919 i guess.).
he also says that maybe there were a few anointed on earth, maybe not.. he did add an interesting statement that he doesn't condemn the other churches just for misunderstanding the bible because the society has done that.. another odd point, was that he actually mentioned catholic missionary work in a somewhat positive light, while totally condemning the reformation views on predestination..
WT has always had it both ways. They want the structure and authoritarian nature of the Catholic church's hierarchy, with the bible thumping Fundamentalism of Protestantism. They just adjust the scales from time to time to their most relevant audience.
if you had to pinpoint the time or experience that finally made you open your eyes, what would it be?.
i think for me it was the time i saw my dad shun his brother who he had not seen in decades just because he was a da'ed jw.
i thought to my self "no way jesus would do that.
Subjectively - When I left my ex-wife and realized it was the best decision ever and should have done it sooner. Somehow the whole of JW rules on sex and marriage became utter nonsense to me.
Objectively - 607/587
due to some recent developments i find myself in a new place, and at this point i've lost all of my family and fri....oh that's right, i never really had any friends in the organization anyway.
just people that wanted something from me and a few people that i would invite to do things that occasionally said yes.
the recent rejections of me got me thinking, so let's take a rejection inventory.. i had to reject all of the holidays when my parents started studying.. i had to reject any worldly friends that i already had.. even family became rejected, and the new religion had some place in that.. i was rejected in school and bullied all of the time, not just because we were poor and i made good grades, but for jw reasons too.
Good read, dubstepped. I appreciate your thoughts, and can relate. In my case family mattered little, but a few key friends I lost, (one recently), hurt very much. I deal with that pain daily.
Rejection sucks for sure. But I agree that it is the nature of the organization. On a further thought, I believe it is why most JWs don't feel the loss caused by their shunning. They are institutionalized to become used to dealing with rejecting everything, to the point of dehumanization. They live a life of loss.
For that be thankful you are not one of them anymore.
so, many of y'all know bits and pieces of my story of waking up, but i thought it might be nice to have it all in one place.. i was baptized at 11, auxiliary pioneered every summer, regular pioneer at 17, ministerial servant by 19, then went to bethel for a year.. i always had minor doubts from time to time, but nothing serious.
always dismissed doubts and decided to "just have faith.".
after leaving bethel, i was never really firing on all cylinders "spiritually speaking.
Good story, Cappytan. I enjoyed reading that. I agree that 607/587 was the lynchpin that took all of the support for the rest the doctrine away immediately. No chance of ever going back after learning that.