Born-ins and converts are fundamentally different.
A child who is forced to accept what their parent(s) believe is never going to look at that information the same way as an adult who identifies with that information for one reason or another, and makes the life changes required to live up to that identity. It is just not possible.
Those differences take different forms throughout a person's life, which I believe even includes differences after a person leaves. A convert probably has a much easier time adjusting to becoming a real person again, not necessarily so with a born-in.
Apathy does tend to run stronger in born-ins overall. They didn't ask for the miserable existence their parents forced on them, but they are stuck. So apathy becomes the order of the day. This should be no surprise.
Being a born-in sucks. I was lucky I had help in certain areas by other born-ins who were intelligent enough to know when to ignore the WT's counsel, and get an education, career, etc. Many others don't fare that well. Converts know absolutely nothing of that life.