In the beginning I was anal about reporting time accurately, (the first 10 years or so). What always bothered me was the inconsistancy with the way it was done among the witnesses. Some would count an entire 45 minute "coffee" break, and some would subtract 5 minutes for quitting 5 minutes before noon. It just seemed equally stupid that someone could stop at a gas station on the way into the meeting for field service, drop off a tract to the attendant, and start his/her time a good 45 mins to an hour before anyone else got to the territory.
Also, as far as it concernes pioneers, they are indeed allowed to count time for things that the ordinary publisher cannot count. For example, any work that a publisher performs on the Regional Building Commitee, can only report those hours as "additional activity" on thier field service slip, not field service. A pioneer, can count this work as field service. I was actually quite involved in that work in the 90's and it was this double standard that made me finally say F*CK IT, and just put whatever hours were neccesary to keep the BoE happy.
One final note, I totally agree with the people that said people who take things seriously have the hardest fall when they leave the org.