In a JW kind of way it is almost normal social interaction, (for anyone else, not really...)
Oh, and they like the bad boys more than they will ever admit.
thought she was gonna take a pic of me on the sneak.
im df'd...been df'd for over 19 years already.
so she probably would have gotten away with it without anyone knowing.....except that her flash was on.
In a JW kind of way it is almost normal social interaction, (for anyone else, not really...)
Oh, and they like the bad boys more than they will ever admit.
i wanna make a poll here.
how many years do you think the jdub cult will exist as is and what will happen to it?.
i say the growth stops this year and starts to decline.
mrmagic, nice extrapolation of the principle of Moore's Law, and the potential this could have on the organization. Information is power, and ultimately this power is released due to the sub-processes at work beneath Moore's law, (which are really laws of physics). While Moore's law in of itself is not a law of physics, it is those very laws, (especially in the quantum realm), that serve to govern what can be done with chip and processing technology, since electrons are as small as they are and travel at the speeds they do.
A 19th century end-times movement is no match for this long term.
in jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
Interesting stuff, kaik!
in jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
Lots of good additions here...I particularly would agree with Voltaire and Paine.
in jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
Great comments everyone. Many people mentioned are a good deal more altruistic and perhaps better role models in some ways than the examples I given, which is good to see. I drew mine from a more introspective look at how/who influenced me personally, but all is good.
The way I look at this is, humans are all we have to draw any sentient influence from. Oubliette hit the nail on the head with respect to authoritarian groups not approving of such, since they don't want any person or concept threatening their influence. This is the real reason the WT labels such as "creature worship".
Wasa/Rebel8 - Jimmy Carter was a very underrated and under-appreciated president.
in jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
in jw land having such was verboten.
who are some of yours and why?.
1. nikola tesla - greatest inventor ever, and the only one i know of who was a true scientist as well.. 2. elon musk - there is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...also has a serious pair.... 3. jim morrison - brilliant and mad poet.. 4. mike krzyzewski - the epitome of success.. 5. maya angelou - brilliant humanistic poet and writer.. 6. albert einstein - do i actually have to qualify this?.
In JW land having such was verboten. Who are some of yours and why?
I will go first:
1. Nikola Tesla - Greatest inventor ever, and the only one I know of who was a true scientist as well.
2. Elon Musk - There is a reason he chose the great inventor's name for his masterpiece work...Also has a serious pair...
3. Jim Morrison - Brilliant and Mad poet.
4. Mike Krzyzewski - The epitome of success.
5. Maya Angelou - Brilliant humanistic poet and writer.
6. Albert Einstein - Do I actually have to qualify this?
so bethelites are being decreased...bethel homes even sold off.... special pioneers no longer being funded.. magazines getting smaller and published less frequently.. building work stopping or being reduced.. no large conventions and renting of venues.. etc.... so, money is not coming in anymore to cover the "expenses"??.
didnt the first ever watchtower said that when this occurs, it would be evidence of god no longer blessing the activity....
oh, and throughout the years, we have constantly been told that the "growth of the org and the projects such as buildings and contributions" etc were evidence of gods blessing.... .
The current situation causes a lot of cognitive dissonance for sure...
Having said that, people will rationalize their beliefs, and do so vehemently, until such point when it becomes too painful to do so. For most this means either something the organization is doing or done has to negatively directly affect them or their children. Unfortunately, I have found that almost any other relationship is not sufficient to cause enough psychological motivation to wake someone up.
Humans can/do rationalize bullshit much.
i am inclined to start this thread in response to some comments made in other threads.
i have been coming around these forum for quite some time now so whatever you find in here is not just related to something someone may have said this week.
it can go months back as well.. i have seen many who claim to respect the belief of others but when it comes down to applying it into practice, things take a whole different tune.
I agree with the OP by and large, however this is a discussion forum. Debate is expected and should be encouraged. As some have pointed out, most of us would not even discuss many of these subjects in most other contexts, (our place of employment; a casual social visit; etc.). As long as the debate does not devolve into insult or name calling, it should be encouraged. This is an effective way to get to facts, albeit an indirect one. I personally have learned much over the years here because of this.
On the other hand, I have mixed concerns about the "like" and "dislike" buttons since the they appeared. It seems those who cannot debate properly, or too lazy to debate properly, or simply feel threatened by lines of argument they have no response for, are too quick to hit the "dislike" button. That in of itself weakens their position significantly.
i know we are all anonymous for our own personal reasons, so i understand if you would rather not say.
but if you don't mind sharing that would be cool.
i currently live in georgia, usa.
Central NJ, (Where Taylor ham turns into pork roll...And Eagles and Giants fans collide on Sundays)
...Or do we just have an identity complex??