Good article, but the point is??
Sorry, I'm a bit slow... .
letter to the editor .
no such thing as 'watchtower' teachings .
Good article, but the point is??
Sorry, I'm a bit slow...
"the size of the nose, as also the size of the eyes, is not without significance.
the small-nosed man cannot have a judicial mind, whatever his other excellencies may be.
and a man whose nose upturns can no more be expected to administer justice than a pug dog can be expected to act as a shepherd.".
i was wondering how many people say blessings, grace or prayers before eating meals.
do you do it every meal, during entertaining?
in a restrauant, alone?
I said that to my husband one time. I said who are you thanking? I bought the food and prepared it. He said. "I was thanking God for you."
Good save!!!
wifey and i were basically non-drinkers whilst in the dubland fantasy.
now we drink an occasional glass of wine or pina colada.. we're not very imaginative with it.
i know some understand the fruit of the vine well [like our buddy in oz, ozzie] and others enjoy mixed drinks.. which ones - and how do you make 'em?.
Buy a bottle of good scotch. Take off the cap. Pour into a glass. Drink. Repeat until the glass is no longer necessary, or the bottle is done.
guy pierce samuel herd gerrit losch david splane.
"no more additions!".
"no, no more additions!
I've got a nickle that says the vest is made of vinyl and is actually a drool bib.
Any takers?
I'm in for a buck.
lets say that armageddon was imminent and you would deduce that you wouldn't be saved, who would you want to be with to enjoy your last moments alive?
Yeah, but who would you like to have sitting on the toilet with you?
Dude...that's just wrong...
in the new book "live with jehovah's day in mind" it refers to habakkuk 1:3- (partial quote-what else):and why are despoiling and violence in front of me?
it then asks the question: would he (habakkuk) set aside time to be a spectator at so-called sports events that are violent by design, players even wearing protective armor like that of ancient gladiators?
watch the anti-football/hockey jackasses come out of the woodwork on this one.. the wacktower, babble and crap society is at it again.
Personally, I am not a sports fan. However...
What gives those geriatric pieces of $hit the right to tell anyone that they can't watch sports? For the love of doG.
The answer is simple....less time watching sports = more time selling books. It's all about the bottom line.
Does video taping little boys in the men's room qualify as a spectator sport? If it did, the gb wankers would be a lot less vocal, don't ya think.
They should be known as ... The Watchinmejigglemy c*ck Society.
religion, race, sexual orientation etc.
are not legal barriers to adoption in most areas.
but knowing what you know now, if you were part of the decision-making process, would you be inclined to facillitate jw's to adopt?
An emphatic.....
jehovahs witnesses are coming.
rockford register star, il - 13 minutes ago.
yes, jehovahs witnesses do go door-to-door, and no, they do not celebrate holidays.
You GB lying sleazy slutting scum of the f**king earth this is SHOCKING! This is the 'new world society' in 2006 back in the 1960's as a loyal devout follower i never dreamed in my worst nightmare the borg would sink this low.
Danny, you took the words right out of my mouth. Great find.
an old man is at the doctors office.
the doctor says: "ive got bad news and worse news".
the old man says: "give me the bad news first".
A man sitting on a park bench notices little Johnnie sitting across from him, eating candy bar after candy bar. After watching about 8 or 9 disappear, the man says, "excuse me son, eating that much candy all at once is very bad for you. It will rot your teeth, make you fat, and give you bad skin". Johnnie looks at the man for a second and says, "my grand-daddy lived to be 96". "Did he eat candy bars 10 at a time like you?', asks the man. "No" replies Johnnie, "he minded his own god damned business".