hey pudd u give vegetarians a bad name by cooking meat for the cunts that are meat eaters :D 8 people get bad karma from the death of one animal including the people who buy and cook meat :D i cant wait for u to get ur bad karma u fat ugly slut :D and meat tastes good :D but i dont eat it in spite of that :D u see people who give up meat cuz it tastes bad are then cook it for others are worse than meat eaters...wishing u a horrible death :D bye bye and pak or is it paki......either way u smell......haha and i dont spend more than 5mins writing my replies as im not as pathetic as abadon and i have a life :D and i have friends so i dont have to kiss ass like u " oohh abadon ur replies are so cool ooh will u be my boyfriend i think im in love" I THOUGHT MEAT EATERS WERE BAD BUT FAGS LIKE U MAKE THEM LOOK SAINTS :D
JoinedPosts by rezamichael
by rezamichael inwhy aren't witnesses vegetarians?
it's well known that adam and eve were vegetarian.
there was only ever a concession given by god to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
by rezamichael inwhy aren't witnesses vegetarians?
it's well known that adam and eve were vegetarian.
there was only ever a concession given by god to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
abadon.............have u got nothing better to do? do u have a job? ur so sad pickin apart my whole comment again........theres no point in arguing with you........i can see ur coldhearted......u dont give a shit about animals havin their throat slit brain pierced etc.....u just wanna eat ur meat.......well carry on u pratt and face the consequences one day.....and i have got to you cuz u keep swearin at me......ur really angry.....and what the fuck u callin me a carrot muncher for...i eat a 1000 foods u eat a 1005 with the addition of beef lamb chicken pork and fish so what an ignorant thing to call me ... vegetarians have a much more varied diet than meat eaters.........i see how u dont pick up on all the points that u cant deny like we live long we have better health less cancer less heart disease......ur a pratt...how can vegetarianism be unnatural if it results in humans living longer and healthier lives? WE ALSO HAVE BIGGER COCKS! AND MAKE BETTER LOVERS! BYE BYE
by rezamichael inwhy aren't witnesses vegetarians?
it's well known that adam and eve were vegetarian.
there was only ever a concession given by god to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
God! i really got to you didnt i? u throw in a couple of big words and u think ur the dogs bollox ;) there is action and reaction in this world mate ;) and for every bad action there has to be a bad reaction ;) now listen here and carry on copying and pasting as u do......MILLIONS OF ANIMALS BEING SLAUGHTERED EVERYDAY CREATES ENOUGH BAD KARMA FOR ALL THE RAPES AND MURDERS AND TORTURES U SEE HAPPENING EACH DAY..........the holiest man to step foot on this earth srila prabhupada said that if the world turned vegetarian tomorrow the 90% of bad karma would be wiped out and the world would almost be at peace.....also eating meat causes aggresion....now let me see? which is the only major country in the world to never have gone to war? hmmm india oooooh i wonder why.....vegetarian.......they cant kill animals so they wouldnt kill men......peaceful....and if ur ignorant as to ignore the oldest nation on earth then feed on these quotes from 2 famous vegetarians: "Nothing will benefit human health and increase chances for survival on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet" - ALBERT EINSTEIN "I have from an early age abjured the use of meat, and the time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." - LEONARDO DA VINCI............SO SUCK ON THAT ****HEAD hehe......also ur showing ur own ignorance when u think vegetarianism is inferior.....lets see again....the 3 oldest living tribes in the world...all live over 100 years old on average and all are vegetarian.....hmm the biggest meat eating people in the world INUITS and oh they live an average life expectancy of 40 years old.....but no humans are omivores yes ur very right cuz the human body sustains itself 30 years longer with a vegetarian diet but no ur right we were meant to eat meat! BULLCRAP.....even the scandavians life expectancy went up during the war when meat was unavailable for years AND WENT BACK DOWN WHEN MEAT WAS AVAILABEL AGAIN AFTER THE WAR.....oh the oldest living person in the world.....was a vegetarian hehe i hope ur enjoying this? WE CAN DIGEST CARDBOARD DOES THAT MEAN WE SHOULD EAT CARDBOARD? HUH HUH HUH? LOL just cuz weve evolved to eat meat doesnt mean we are designed to and should?! now lets see 1. a carnivore has claws a herbivore doesnt WE DONT 2. a carniviore has no pores in skin a herbivore does WE DO 3.a carnivore has sharp pointed front teeth a herbivore doesnt WE DONT 4. a carnivore has small salivary gland a herbivore has well developed salivary glands SO DO WE 5. a carnivore has acid saliva a herbivore has alkaline saliva SO DO WE 6. a carnivore has strong HCL acid in its stmoach a herbivore has 20 times less the strength SO DO WE 7. a carnivore has an intestinal tract 3 times the length of its body a herbivore has an intestinal tract several times its body length SO DO WE 8. a carnivore laps up water a herbivore suck water SO DO WE 9. a carnivore salivates at the site of a blood dead carvas sticks its nose in and eat raw flesh HUMANS WOULD BE SICK AT THE SIGHT OF A DEAD BLOOD CARCASS........10. 100% of carnivores or omnivors if ur being picky can kill prey (natural predators) LESS THAN 1% OF HUMANS HAVE IT IN THEM TO KILL AN ANIMAL AND THE FACT WE NEED KNIVES AND GUNS TO DO IT SHOWS ITS NOT FLIPPIN NATURAL AND WE WERENT DESIGNED TO KILL ANIMALS RATHER WE HAVE OPPOSEABLE THUMBS TO PICK APPLES FROM TREES! have i made u look dumb enough yet? or do u want more? and ur stupid remark about humans having canine teeth HA! THATS LAUGHABLE U FOOL....why dont u compare a humans canines to ur pet dogs and see how they are half the length and not pointed or sharp they are just about good enough to pierce an apple.... I'd like to see you tackle a steer and tear it apart with those ferocious incisors LOL.....AND BTW GORILLAS HAVE CANINES TOO BUT DO THEY EAT MEAT? NO! ONCE AGAIN FOOL! NOW CARRY ON COPYING AND PASTING IM ENJOYING MAKIN U LOOK STUPID! and please please please dont stop eating meat! id like to see u die earlier have higher risks of cancer and heart disease poorer digestion and pay the price for all the bad karma ur pickin up! AND HELL YEAH I WISH BAD THINGS TO HAPPEN TO MY FELLOW MAN AS MY FELLOW MAN ARE MOSTLY ****** AND I WILL GET MY KARMA FOR THINKIN THAT AND IM NOR PERFECT BUT LEAST I HAVE A HEART TO SEE HOW WRONG AND CRUEL SLAUGHTERHOUSES ARE! UR JUST A COLD HEARTED FOOL WHO'S HAD A GOOD EDUCATION SO THINKS HE CAN PICK APART PEOPLES COMMENTS WITH HIS BIG WORDS........ur a nobody!
Do any religions other than JW's reject transfusions?
by Fleshybirdfodder ini'm sure this has been covered millions of times, but could someone give me a link?
i've heard some orthodox jews reject transfusions as well.. thanks,.
rastafarians dont accept blood transfusions maybe just incase the donors blood isnt pumped with enough weed?
by rezamichael inwhy aren't witnesses vegetarians?
it's well known that adam and eve were vegetarian.
there was only ever a concession given by god to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
i prefer cain to abel anyday then :P any man who butches animals deserves his time in hell.......what was that story i once heard about 2 men one slaughtered animals to please god and the other grew veg? and then god was pissed off with the nice guy who refused to kill animals? well that makes god out to be cruel in that case and it just shows the bible is rot.....btw i was a JW at one point and i used my intellect to realise its in the infancy of religion......in this world for every bad thing you do u will suffer at some point during ur life and if not after ur life in hell.....and there is a hell and its not the hades place of unconsciousness JWs think it is.....there are many hellish planets throughout the universes....u reincarnate into a hellish body to serve "temporary" time there to work ur bad karma and it is full of pain to equal out the sufering u caused other direcetly or indirectly and when i say indirectly i mean eating meat for example......the pain caused to the animals for the meat that ends up in ur stomach comes back to u......but everyone would know meat eating is the biggest source of bad karma in the world if they only read the oldest most accurate holy book in the world THE VEDAS ... the religion of the first people on earth way b4 adam and eve lol as adam and eve were the first people in the new yuga or age KALIYUGA.....and Armageddon is coming but not for 30 000 years yet hehe and as described in the bible the koran and the vedas god will appear on a white horse to destro the demonic people.....jeeeze im babbling on and i bet im gettin some back ups here....JWs arent all bad they dont smoke for example haha but thats only one of 4 rules that god laid down for us......no intoxification that was...but that includes alcohol too which JWs still have....the other 3....no meat eating (obviously something u shouldnt do if u think god is merciful and wants no harm caused to his children and animals have souls and are gods children even if they are the less intelligent children)...NO GAMBLING....muslims got that one right and here it comes NO SEX B4 MARRIAGE hehe yup there u go there are the 4 rules god demands not refusing blood transfusion :P oh come on someone counter me!
by rezamichael inwhy aren't witnesses vegetarians?
it's well known that adam and eve were vegetarian.
there was only ever a concession given by god to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet.
Why aren't Witnesses vegetarians? It's well known that Adam and Eve were vegetarian. There was only ever a concession given by God to allow meat eating after the flood as there was no vegetation so it was forced and rather a temporary fix up rather than a new permanent diet. Also in the new world after Armageddon we will all be vegetarian even the Lion will eat hay etc........so if we know it was in the begining to be vegetarian it will be in the end why do we continue to eat meat? Even passages say to kill an Ox is like to kill a Man! Another point...meat is full of blood which is the lifeforce why do we refuse human blood transfusions but on a daily basis eat hardened invisible blood in fillets and steaks? CONFUSED!!!!!!! HELP ME!!!!!