Thank you sKally, don't let anyone make you feel ashamed of making the connection between the society and the illuminatti. You are definitely on the right track. Something very intriguing is some of the real stimuli behind our wacko dates. I'm glad you made the tie-in between theosophy and the illuminatti. Check this site out and see if the date sounds familiar. Maybe Fred Franz's inspiration wasnt the end of 6000 years of mankinds existence after all. The site is < Check out the insignia once again. Keep up the good work!!! Dino
Posts by Dino
Oz and Illumaniti Mind Control/Discord
by sf in<
Yes, another website....
by sf ini found:.
here is a portion of the page:.
Dear lauralisa, How honored we feel to elicit your first post! Tell us a little about yourself. Plus please tell us the vigorous research that has left you with fear and loathing. Dino
Yes, another website....
by sf ini found:.
here is a portion of the page:.
Sorry, the links are, about freemasonry, then go to famous freemasons, then on to gravestones
Yes, another website....
by sf ini found:.
here is a portion of the page:.
Hello again sKally, On this website notice the lies and disinformation regarding C.T. Russell's involvement with the masons. To set the stage, click on gravestones and notice the reasons why masons decorate their headstones emblazoned with numerous symbols. Then go Famous Non-Masons and scroll down to Charles Taze Russell. Notice the great lengths they go to explain away why our dear Pastor Russell was buried under a pyramid decorated with the cross and crown.In Freemasonry symbolism is everything. If you were to start publishing a magazine about any topic and include the cross and crown and the knights templar insignia on it, what could we reasonably conclude? Notice they dont have anything to say about that. This information must be for those are truly gullible.The website is < Check it out!! Dino
Yes, another website....
by sf ini found:.
here is a portion of the page:.
Sorry about that lets try this again:<
Yes, another website....
by sf ini found:.
here is a portion of the page:.
Dear sf, How would you like to go down another road? Check out The Aquarian Passion Play < No reference to J.W>'s or WTBTS but note similarities in words such as Divine Plan, New World, then click on home page and check out logo. Dino
My Mother's Letter
by silentlambs ini recently got this letter from my mother, i thought i would share it to help see how this saga continues.
my parents are both regular pioneering as we speak.
have seen their grandchildren for about an hour in the last six months.
Hello Silentlambs, I hope Brenda gets to feeling better. As my own mother puts it, she has too much invested in this organization to quit now. Which roughly translated, means she has lost her ability to think as the rational human being that I always thought was. So as with Brenda my mother has used the occasional guilt trip. If you are strong she will have to think, no matter if she ever admits it or not. Because you know firsthand of the org's arrogance, dont be dismayed by the seeking prominence line of reasoning as well.If you wanted that... why not stay in and continue serving as a big fish in an ever decreasing pond? Your mom's nice, just misguided. Stay the course! Dino
"Watchtower IS controlled by the Illumina...
by sf inwell, this is what i found in another search i was doing:.
it's quite a lengthy read, here is the portion i took the quote from:.
Dear sf, Thank you for posting that article. The first time I read that article I felt like I was reading the latest issue of the Enquirer. It had many inaccuracies such as referring to the memorial celebration as a secret ritual. However the motive behind just passing the emblems instead of partaking may be in imitation of the gnostics. Why else would the Society tenaciously cling to the unscriptural doctrine of the great crowd living in a paradise new world order? I hope that doesnt sound irresponsible, but C.T. Russell's early history was shady at best and valuable clues are to be found in his use of masonic and rosicrusion symbols. At any rate if the illuminatti had control of the WTBS we would be the last to know about it. That organization is veiled in layer after layer of secrecy.I cant remember the web page, but if you do a google search on Rev. Robert Gillette and Illuminatti, Im sure you will be fascinated by his thoughts on the subject of the illuminatti. We have e-mailed and he has no opinion on a possible link between the wtbs and secret societies. Btw I have always found it strange that the society is very quiet on freemasonry and its connection with the new world order. At any rate, if all this the case, those still believing what the WTBS spoon feeds will never get truth on things such as the identity as "the disgusting thing that causes desolation", the "man of lawlessness" and so forth. Keep in touch! Dino
Another Elder is toast
by jst2laws injst2laws is toast!.
after 29 years i am officially no longer serving as an elder.
those who knew i was still serving would only be surprised that i took so long.
Dear Had Enough, Thank you very much for your kindness.I will relate my experiences shortly. Appreciate you all!
Another Elder is toast
by jst2laws injst2laws is toast!.
after 29 years i am officially no longer serving as an elder.
those who knew i was still serving would only be surprised that i took so long.
Dear just2laws, When I read of your experience, I was struck by the similarities in my case. I also served as an elder for years. Being appointed at the tender age of 27 I started out with all the zeal of a hitler youth. Unfortunately I made the mistake of studying the Watchtower instead of the bible with my children. Therefore I am faced with the conundrum of being undercover for sake of my children.I am working slowly nd my patience has paid off in that my dear wife now knows that the organization is a fraud. I could no longer serve as an elder after discovering what exegesis and hermeneutics meant. I will pray for you and I please beg that you reciprocate.Hang in there!!! Dino