Isaiah 42:18 - 25 Come "scholars and friends" allow us to discuss whilst time allows it who herein is mentioned. Is it we "apostates" or the "Spirit guided society of God on earth today" or is this the "literal" in the midst of the "prophetic" so it becomes void in interpretation of the "Society". It seem to me always strange how i am an apostate however the great pyramidoligist C.T.RUSSELL is one of the 144,000.i measured the foundations of the kingdom hall earlier and it came to 666 !!!!maybe i needed to measure the internal and external toilet bowls to get to 1914 ?? in all seriousness who do "you" believe the above scriptures discuss God Bless you Ade
Posts by Ade
by Ade inisaiah 42:18 - 25
come "scholars and friends" allow us to discuss whilst time allows it who herein is mentioned.
is it we "apostates" or the "spirit guided society of god on earth today" or is this the "literal" in the midst of the "prophetic" so it becomes void in interpretation of the "society".
the true path ??
by Ade inthoughts, please indeed proofs of the true faith / church / religion .
backed up firmly by scripture .can indeed any religion be described as having no , idol worship , man made doctrine , conscience controlling of its members.
if not which is the correct way to worship god at this moment in time and that to come.
Flash and others thank you for the reply, i do and to my current understandings always will live my life as best i can in line with scipture. whilst i understand what other of you are trying to say. I wholly appreciate an offer to myself and others from GOD .GOD to my knowledge and acceptance of scripture is a Spirit person .although the bible cannot be perfect as it was not written, translated by perfect men. it contains valuble lessons for each individual ( as you point out individuals whom i believe can discover theirselves through scripture ) we all apply those lessons differently if we choose to accept the bible as the word of GOD. and as the title of the post and the original quotation of mine states , we all have reasons for backing up our own particular viewpoints. I personally feel that if i am guiding my own conscience ( free GOD given will ) showing love to others as best as humanly possible ( love your brother and neighbour ) and putting faith in Jesus Christ and believing on him, i am to a certain degree fulfilling what GOD has asked of me. GOD has introduced rules and regulations through the bible most of which were abolished by Jesus giving his life, the only one we really have now is LOVE. And if we follow that path it should theoretically allow us to perform closely to GODS wishes. hope i am making sense ( as i dont usually ) all the best GOD bless you all Ade
the true path ??
by Ade inthoughts, please indeed proofs of the true faith / church / religion .
backed up firmly by scripture .can indeed any religion be described as having no , idol worship , man made doctrine , conscience controlling of its members.
if not which is the correct way to worship god at this moment in time and that to come.
Poppers, if not which is the correct way to worship GOD at this moment in time and that to come." Notice the implied assumptions here: That God is separate from you and that he needs/must be worshipped. Consider the possibility that what the word "god" points is something entirely different than what you have been taught. Leave behind all conceptual notions and fully embrace the essence of your own existence. Be present with what is, as well as the presence of yourself, abandon all judgment about self and other - then see what happens to notions about the "correct way to worship GOD". FOR God is not far off from anyone of us. you also are as guilty of applying your own assumptions my friend.I have embraced it ( my life )my friend, and have a great appreciation of the life i have been given. I try not to judge however who is perfect?? if we sit with what you say it would appear to me all things are lawful ?? are they??. if so the bible is no longer a necessary tool of guidance - for we are our own God. all the best -Ade
the true path ??
by Ade inthoughts, please indeed proofs of the true faith / church / religion .
backed up firmly by scripture .can indeed any religion be described as having no , idol worship , man made doctrine , conscience controlling of its members.
if not which is the correct way to worship god at this moment in time and that to come.
Thoughts, please indeed proofs of the true faith / church / religion . backed up firmly by scripture .can indeed any religion be described as having no , idol worship , man made doctrine , conscience controlling of its members. if not which is the correct way to worship GOD at this moment in time and that to come. Although i realize there will be views and counter views. can any of you back up your church/hall without any violation of bible rules whatsoever ?? Ade BTW - I'M dissasociating myself tomorrow - its taken so long because ive been rather lazy about it lol all future birthday cards welcome >:P
Proverbs 8:22
by Ade ini would like to know if there are trinitarians here and please could you share with me your thoughts on proverbs 8:22 - 36
where it appears to be teaching of jesus being bought forth by yahweh, as the beginning of his way (however not the begging for god has none ).
alternately non trinitarians put your views forward.
"Before me there was no god formed nor shall there be after me" Isaiah 43:10 If Proverbs 8:22 are refering to Jesus being created that would be quite a huge contradiction. allow me to expand this a little my friend. the content can also stand as "OR,nothing formed of God" scripture tells us their are many gods however just one true GOD. all the best -Ade hi peacefulpete - very well put my friend and thank you . all the best -Ade
Book study this coming week..
by skin inletting all know that an artfully contrived false story will be studied in next weeks book study "what does the bible really teach" in the appendix on pg 215. .
1914-a significantyear in bible prophecy.. decades in advance, bible students proclaimed that there would be significant developments in 1914. what were these, and what evidence points to 1914 as such an important year?.....
the rest of this book does not anwser this question because the only thing the bible students said about 1914 before 1914 was that this would be the beginning of armarggetton.
in reply to Decades in advance, Bible students proclaimed that there would be significant developments in 1914. What were these, and what evidence points to 1914 as such an important year?.... lol i may attend and put my hand up and say " yes the bible students werent the only ones saying this about 1914 were they - so lots of religions must have had divine interpretation given them "
For those not sick to death of talking about this...607 BCE
by Swamboozled injust got this link sent to me by my sister in law and i just keeping staring at it trying to decide where to start.
i know that arguing with a jw is like throwing miracle wheat in the wind...but i want a comeback!!!
ask them to read through Zechariah with you, the first few chapters. Then point out its very interesting where the conversation between the angel and GOD speaks of his people having been captive for 70 years. then ask them what date zechariah was written. take them to the back of THEIR OWN bible to check the date ( approx 518 ) , then ask them to explain 607 to you lol. hmmmm its that 20 year thing again . also ask the average lifespan of people back then. because using their 607 date the average person must have lived to be over 100 years old ( most unlikely ) compared to using the 587 date gives an average age of 80 years old. you could try and get KLASSENS CHRONOLOGY of the bible and gentile times reconsidered the babylonians by H.W.F Saggs and apparently their is now more evidence to show nebuchadrezzars reigning dates than to support the 539 date. remember its been many years since the watchtower started all this nonsense and thousands of business documents and other items have been uncovered/excavated. all the best Ade
Proverbs 8:22
by Ade ini would like to know if there are trinitarians here and please could you share with me your thoughts on proverbs 8:22 - 36
where it appears to be teaching of jesus being bought forth by yahweh, as the beginning of his way (however not the begging for god has none ).
alternately non trinitarians put your views forward.
Hi Heathen, As of recent times i have had the same mode of thinking as yourself, especially after dwelling on John 2:20 where Jesus speaks of raising the temple which is his body he states as you probably know "I will raise this temple " which is his body. also why would he not rebuke Thomas for saying "my Lord and my God" when The angel was quick to correct John in Revelation. God bless you and yours Ade
Sign of the Last Days--Jonsson...
by Confession ini enjoyed these quotes from the preface of his book..."what terrible wars, both foreign and domestic!
what pestilences, famines...and quakings of the earth has history recorded!
" -tertullian, 197 a.d.. "the wars continue frequently to prevail, that death and famine accumulate anxiety, that health is shattered by raging diseases, that the human race is wasted by the desolation of pestilence, know that this was foretold; that evils should be multiplied in the last times, and that misfortunes should be varied; and that the day of judgment is now drawing nigh.
if everyone else is having a go heres my comment Banana
by ElderBarry inhi.
one of the girls i work with, wenda, is studying with the dubs!
Hi bear with me whilst i cover a point first. to the writer of this comment If getting people out of the JWs was as simple as winning the argument, would they still have 6000000 members? Why is your colleague getting involved? What is her background? What is she getting out of this? The JWs are fulfilling a need. Find out what she needs, and give her an alternative. thats so true, i recently confronted two elders and an overseer with the millerite "Daniel and John" prophecy chart, all they did after finding out their Daniel book was a complete lie was shrug their shoulders and say "that wont stop me going , i have nothing else" even after asking them whether it was right to follow GOD or men i got the same comment. She obviously is/has been searching for GOD so deliver what you can to her the best you can. maybe visual aids like showing her the "millerite" chart and then the Daniel book showing her the two and proving its a fallacy that they were given divine interpretation of the book will give her a rude awakening, horses for courses as they say. i have the chart if you want it emailed drop me a mail. then ask her why GODS true people would have to borrow other people's prophecies especially when they never came to pass either.I'm sure many others here collectively could supply some superb material to show her. all the best Ade