Gumby, I appreciate the points you've made here.
Anitar, I admire your strength of character that shines through in your comments.
I've served in a number of congregations and the bodies of elders all take on differant personalities.
But a few things seemed to be a constant in the 4 cong.'s that I served as an elder:
Little if any attention was ever given to JW's who were "inactive" irregardless of any direction from the GB.
Even when a list of these "inactive" and df's were provide, very few of these men followed up in a spirit of love to retieve these people back into the fold.
Embarrasing questions would be asked of individuals who had made there way back to a meeting and asked for help, like:
have you been immoral, how often, when was your last intimate encounter. (In their minds this help them gauge your heart as to the degree of remorse) / have you joined as a member of any church / have you used drugs, alcohol or smoking /
These questions formalated the basis for any help you may or may not get. I remember one guy who desparately wanted to be back in the fold (he was df') and he had had sex with somebody 4 or 5 months previous to coming back to the KH. The collective decision was for him to wait. Where we came up with "how long" is long enough logic, is hard to reconcile with love or logic. Needless to say after another month or so he stopped coming to the meetings. (good for him as I look in retrospect).
Even elders who care are bound by guidlines they can't move to far away from for fear of drawing attention from other elders.
Their perception of being a "clean org." takes prescendent over any individual, personal concern of the one who has left the group.
Iniatially, I simply stopped going to the meetings, after 6 weeks of this, my ex-wife decided to leave with our children, because she felt I was a spiritual danger after coming across a book I was reading and an internet site I was visiting. For 3 months no one bothered me until I got a call from one of the elders to meet with me for a judicial committee, I refused, a month later they called to inform me I was df'. I appealed, met with them, just to hear them tell me that since I did not want to meet with them earlier that I was not contrite and I told them in short that they were wrong and I did not need them. Very liberating to have lifted the shackles from off me in this manner. I wanted to drift away, but I finally had to confront them and it was for the best. I am comforted in Jesus words that, "wisdom is proved righteuous by it's work", and know that I will (actually I already have) have a opportunity to save my son's from this group. But back to the point, the only reason this appointed judicial committee got in contact with me was to clean their cong. Though I'll never understand on what grounds. Perhaps, my wife at the time told them what I'd been reading. But it's behind me now. I know this, self-sacrificing love, an un-conditional love, the love that Jesus said would identify his disciples (not an org.) simply cannot exist in a meaningful way with in this group. It does not have Jehovah's blessing nor does the Holy Spirit exist there to help it thrive. We who are out are blessed, don't worry if they don't come looking for you. You know they can't help you. But you can help others from your personal expierence with this group.