hi, I need to contact brothers in india,,any ideas?
please email me, [email protected]
hi, i need to contact brothers in india,,any ideas?.
please email me, [email protected].
hi, I need to contact brothers in india,,any ideas?
please email me, [email protected]
i went to a free internet opportunity meeting yesterday and of course they were there to sell you something, but you got a free daily planner book and a free lunch.
i went since i've always believed money can be made by using the internet if you approach it properly.
i didn't buy anything since i know there are cheaper ways to start an online buisness.. anyway, just wondering if any of you have tried it or are currently doing it.
yes boet, I have some ideas - [email protected]
i just wanted to bless jehovah's name, the only name that is above the heavens that can save mankind!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need to contact brothers in china, I will be visiting there and hope to meet some brothers. shawn israels
i was just wondering if you had met someone online and had a significant long term relationship with him... would you be brave enough to meet him?
obviously not alone at first but how would you check someone out before you met them other than a google search of his name.
even some place like jwd where there is a significant level of trust .
online friends yea!
but certainly not LOVE-